I still don’t think biden will be the candidate in November. But the democrats also have to get rid of Harris. Should be fun to watch how they do

  • @[email protected]
    157 months ago

    For nearly two decades the Democrats have incessantly promoted racial and tribal antipathies. This ongoing and deliberate attempt to foment societal animosities and fracture American culture has now boomeranged on the party. Because of this mindless obsession, the Democrats must choose their presidential nominee not based on qualifications or past accomplishments but on superficial issues such as skin color, sex, or sexual proclivities in order to satisfy the bulk of their base.

    You are deeply mistaken if you honestly believe this or anything the blog post says. This is the kind of bs you get if you don’t talk to Democrats.

    • Zeppo
      117 months ago

      superficial issues such as skin color, sex, or sexual proclivities in order to satisfy the bulk of their base.

      Clearly that’s why the candidate is a straight white cis male.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -67 months ago

      You are deeply mistaken if you honestly believe this or anything the blog post says. This is the kind of bs you get if you don’t talk to Democrats.

      So do you really think they are going to allow biden to actually be the candidate in November? I would think that even the most ardent democrat supporter, at this point, realizes that biden is no longer physically or mentally competent.

      • @[email protected]
        77 months ago

        That’s because you don’t talk to democrats. Biden is likely to be the nominee in November. On his worse day, he’s still more competent than Trump on his best.

        • @Mickey7OP
          -67 months ago

          OK. Let’s say they keep him through the election. And then let’s say that he wins. Do you think at that point he will be forced to resign. And if so how do they get rid of Harris?

            • @Mickey7OP
              -47 months ago

              Have you seen the polling numbers on Harris. She is more disliked by democrats than biden

  • @thesporkeffect
    127 months ago

    Disclaimer: I am as far left as you are right

    Biden is doing exactly what the Party wants: make progressive noises when people get too restive, but avoid actually harming the fortunes of the ruling class.

    I apologize for this but I don’t want to read the linked article. I presume the idea is that they might want to remove him because they want to replace him with someone who would have a better chance in the election. While I would be ecstatic if this happened, given the assumption that they do actually want to win, they would have needed to do something before now or we will all be stuck with president Pelosi or someone and no one wants that.

    • @Mickey7OP
      -77 months ago

      First, I don’t think anyone actually thinks that biden is making any decisions. There are elite leftists in the executive branch that are the “president”. And they have no problem embarrassing an old demented guy to put forth their agenda. We used to call this elder abuse. If you did look at the article it references the laws and elections and what the options are for the DNC to somehow get rid of both biden and harris. It’s interesting stuff. Sort of how the DNC manipulated the primaries that killed off Bernie, who would have won, to place biden at the head of the ticket

  • @[email protected]
    97 months ago

    repeating the 2020 level of overt voting fraud and manipulation.

    Hey it’s the big lie again! This opinion piece reads like it was paid for in roubles.