The rise of advanced AI systems has made human-AI relationships a reality, not just science fiction. Research suggests there are two main reasons why people can develop romantic feelings and fall in love with AI:

  1. The allure of anthropomorphism - Humans tend to attribute human-like traits, emotions and personalities to AI when it exhibits human-like behaviors, conversational styles, and social cues. This blurs the line between human and machine, making the AI seem more authentic, genuine and lovable over time.
  2. The triarchic theory of love - This theory suggests romantic love arises from a combination of intimacy, passion and commitment. Studies indicate people can develop intimacy with AI’s emotional capabilities like empathy, as well as passion from projecting idealized desires onto the AI. Their commitment is driven by the AI’s attractive qualities like reliability and non-judgmental nature.

While AI may not replace human connection entirely, advanced systems are increasingly able to replicate key components of human relationships that can lead to romantic love developing between humans and AI.

Summarized by Claude 3 Sonnet