• @A_Random_Idiot
    1046 months ago

    No no, you see. Its okay and normal to destroy your body for other peoples profit.

    The problem here is you enjoying yourself and experience happiness. Personal happiness is a sin in capitalism, because it might lead to thoughts of improving your situation, and thats the last thing anyone wants. Just think of what it could do to the shareholders!

    /s because I know some dim bulb will take this seriously otherwise.

      • @A_Random_Idiot
        66 months ago

        its on point, but if I dont /s then someone will come in and think I’m actually arguing in favor of ruining your body for capitalism.

        cause every time I’ve ever made a super obvious post, I always get some dimbulb response without the /s

    • @[email protected]
      -96 months ago

      No no, you see. Its okay and normal to destroy your body for the glorious state.

      The problem here is you enjoying yourself and experience happiness. Personal happiness is a sin in communism, because it might lead to thoughts of freedom and self-improvement, and thats the last thing the government wants. Just think of what it could do to the production!

      /s because I know capitalism sucks, but communism sucks as well.

      • @[email protected]
        86 months ago

        Weird how your ‘communism’ always seems identical to capitalism, and literally every critique applies to both.

        Almost like you don’t actually know what communism is and have created an entirely fictional external scapegoat to feel like the horror you labor in and perpetuate is morally good, or something.

        This isn’t to defend the USSR, plenty of problems, but, like, you never bothered to learn what any of those actually were. Also, ussr≠all communism, some, including the USSR’s official position for the entirety of its existence, would argue that they weren’t communist at all.

        Not that you care to use any crotical tjinking or curiosity to scratch the surface of the ideas you were told and discover myriad (mostly still shitty, but way more interesting and exciting) worlds beneath.

      • Cowbee [he/him]
        66 months ago

        Why would any government oppose people’s thoughts of freedom and self-improvement, when that’s specifically the goal of Communism to encourage, as opposed to Capitalism?

        • @[email protected]
          06 months ago

          Because Communist governments see any opposition to communism as a threat to their power, so they do not tolerate dissidence even if they claim to tolerate dissidence. It’s just another example of the paradox of tolerance.

  • funkajunk
    576 months ago

    I dunno

    I’m not trying to hit a flick shot on that vlookup

        • @[email protected]
          86 months ago

          There’s XLOOKUP, which isn’t nearly as volatile as INDEX/MATCH. And also more versatile than vlookup.

        • @xpinchx
          86 months ago

          Good God please use xlookup. We have some old school people that still use vlookup and refuse to convert their ranges to tables, it drives me crazy.

          I still use index/match for multiple lookup returns (or is it sumifs I can’t remember?) But I do a lot of work in BI and it’s much more intuitive for me in DAX/M.

      • @Kill_John_Lennon
        46 months ago

        What? Why would you choose to use a combination of 2 formulas when there’s one designed to combine them?

  • @MissJinx
    386 months ago

    Are we all working the same job? Just spending 8 hours inputing data, filtering and moving columns in excel?

      • @MissJinx
        186 months ago

        no no, the learning curve on the business enviroement won’t cover the financial benefits ;) lol jk, of course it is but no one is going to say it

          • @MissJinx
            6 months ago

            If I knew how, I would have a real job as a programer. at least I would create something

            • @xpinchx
              106 months ago

              I’m not a programmer by trade but I learned some python and VBA to automate some of the things I do every day. Any time you’re doing some manual shit and think “there’s gotta be a better way” there probably is - just Google how to do that one thing and you’ll build up your knowledge over time.

              It’s up to you to decide if you tell your boss or not. I chose to and took on some extra duties along with extra pay so it worked out for me but it’s a small business with a high value on productivity.

            • @afraid_of_zombies
              106 months ago

              Million tutorials online or if you are lazy you could just post the contract on something like upwork. I answered a post like that and the guy tried to haggle with me. Automating his job and he wants a discount cause he claimed he could get someone in India for cheaper. Told him he should do that. Point is you could do it and as long as you are not him get quality code in short order.

            • @[email protected]
              36 months ago

              You can learn how. VBA for Excel is pretty easy to learn on your own.

              There’s probably a lot of material online for learning it, but that will most likely only scare anyone off from actually getting started, because it is too comprehensive.

              I suggest you just start trying and then search for each problem at a time. You’ll soon learn how to make anything you need.

              The first step is to get familar with macros. Enable the developer tab and record a macro. Start with something easy, like searching for a word and format it as bold or whatever. Then stop the recording. In the macros dialogue box you can set a keyboard shortcut so the macro will run everytime you press that key combination. Play around with it.

              If you then open the visual basic editor or click edit on the macro, you can see what code was recorded.

              You’ll soon realise that even if macros are powerful, they’re also very limited for larger tasks. There’s always something that doesn’t really work as intended when trying to use it on other cases. That’s when you need to start editing the code and this is when the online resources come in very handy. Simply search for “vba” and any function this causing issues and you’ll easily find solutions.

          • @[email protected]
            46 months ago

            Love the huge programming capabilities built into Excel itself but for everything else it’s AutoHotKey FTW. I have a bunch of macros tied to the F keys along the top of the keyboard that can fill out any number of forms with a couple key presses.

  • 🇰 🌀 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    276 months ago

    Bad posture and form will mess you up in either. If it hurts to sit in an ergo chair the way you’re meant to with your hands at the right position on the mouse and keyboard: you’ve already been doing it wrong for a while.

    • CronyAkatsuki
      76 months ago

      I will also argue that general workout will help a lot with pain. I used ti get sorre after some time and after getting a couple dumbells and working out the parts of my body that would hurt/get sore I rarelly ever have problems nowdays.

  • @Raxiel
    236 months ago

    I’m more likely to take a break with work. Unfortunately that break often entails sitting in the same chair, watching YouTube on the same screen.

    • @sfxrlz
      76 months ago

      Smoking breaks help. But that also kind of defeats the purpose

    • @[email protected]
      66 months ago

      I love video games, it my favorite hobby, but gamers get so defensive when someone points out any flaws with the hobby.

    • @psmgx
      46 months ago

      Same. A lot of work chats and interacting were often meeting that could have been an email sorta things, mostly to get us moving around and active

  • Turun
    216 months ago

    Yes? But that’s already explicitly warned about.

    At work I had to fill out a form which threats to my health could impact me. Next to chemicals or radiation, working at a desk for more than x hours a day was also listed as a potential source of bodily harm.

    • @fidodo
      16 months ago

      Exactly. Saying it’s a problem when playing video games doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem anywhere else. For office jobs specifically, there is already plenty of awareness being spread and most offices give out onboarding material that gives tips on stretches you can do and on how to have a more ergonomic setup.

  • @Maalus
    196 months ago

    Someone who points out excel has clearly never played Starcraft in any capacity. There is a caster, who has a shirt with an x-ray of a hand that’s bolted to some sort of frame, with “APM” written on top of it (actions per minute, a measure of how fast a player plays the game).

    Mobas, RTS are hell on wrists. FPS too, with all the flicking. You can do excel in a shitty position for years and you’ll not end up with screws in your hand or nerve pinching.

    • @[email protected]
      6 months ago

      Yeah I played RTS games, including both starcrafts, through my mid twenties (really hung on to the damn things) and was pretty good (got to diamond and stuck there in sc2, which is another animal entirely from pro tier. High school pitchers rarely need special shoulder surgery), and I never needed hand surgery or even serious carpal tunnel help.

      Until I was in a position where I had to use office shit for ten hours a day. Then I needed physical therapy for about a year. I think with the games, theres time during matchmaking and loading where you just have to move, even in your seat. Its a whole thing.

        • @TheKingBee
          16 months ago

          Carpal tunnel is still a thing, my old manager had to get surgery on both wrists.

  • @fidodo
    166 months ago

    To be fair, lots of companies specifically point out ergonomics and give out onboarding materials with suggestions on exercises to do and office setup best practices.

    Awareness is important, and most office jobs already raise awareness about it. I think the only time I’ve seen it in video games were those take a break reminders I’ve seen in some Nintendo games.

  • @MisterFrog
    166 months ago

    I love spreadsheets (hey, we all have our weird interests) so at first thought this was an ASD meme.

    • Bigmouse
      66 months ago

      How is liking spreadsheets connected to autistic spectrum disorder? (Im being genuine here)

      • @Bgugi
        106 months ago

        B.3. Highly restricted, fixated interests that are abnormal in intensity or focus (e.g., strong attachment to or preoccupation with unusual objects, excessively circumscribed or perseverative interests).

        Excel is a highly structured environment that follows strict rules and procedures to generate outcomes, often sorting and making sense of “messy” inputs. Prime candidate for an ASD hobby/obsession.

      • Flying SquidM
        56 months ago

        Good question. I have known many people on the spectrum in my life including several close family members and loving spreadsheets is not something I would attribute to any of them.

        • @MisterFrog
          36 months ago

          Loving spreadsheets isn’t something everyone with ASD loves, and I didn’t mean to imply that, just the hyper-fixated interest (8 hours) on a something which I personally happen to love.

  • @Droggelbecher
    146 months ago

    Tbf the combination can be worst. During COVID lockdowns I’d spend all waking hours either coding or hand writing for uni, hand writing to teach online, or gaming. Sometimes I’d crochet. I have chronic painful tendinitis now.

    • @[email protected]
      56 months ago

      People specialized in hand/arm/rotator cuff bodywork can help you with that. You might have to try a few different therapists before you find one that’s good, but it’s worth it to get relief.

      Source- am a bodyworker

      • @Droggelbecher
        16 months ago

        Thanks for the tip, I’ll look into it! I’m really grateful to have this new thing to look into, as physio didn’t help much

  • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
    146 months ago

    Add two+ hours a day sitting in your car and the aging process is actually reversed!

  • Flying SquidM
    136 months ago

    The boss button is supposed to take you to Excel (or a reasonable facsimile).

    It’s like you haven’t even played a game while you were supposed to be working in the 1990s. What are you, under 40?

  • @[email protected]
    106 months ago

    I’m down with the sentiment of the comment, but I legit find I get way more arm/wrist pain from gaming than from spreadsheets. I think there’s much more prolonged button-pressing involved in the former. Some games are worse than others.

    Right now my elbow is killing me from too much Project Zomboid over the last few weeks. A day of spreadsheets and QuickBooks today was almost a break from it (not that I didn’t go right back to PZ after work).

    • @[email protected]
      26 months ago

      Elbow issues often means you’re using arm wrests.

      If you are - don’t: it’s bad ergonomics. Chair without arm rests will help clear that up. Or drop your arm wrests to their lowest.

      • CronyAkatsuki
        6 months ago

        I have arm wrest just low enough to feel them when typing, but good enough to rest my hands when having a controller in my hands.

      • @[email protected]
        16 months ago

        Thanks for the tip (genuinely). Unfortunately in this case I actually don’t have arm wrests at all - I literally removed them from my chair years ago. There’s just something about this game in particular that really messes up my left elbow. No other game does that (normally it’d be just my wrists, if anything).

  • @[email protected]
    6 months ago

    I’m all seriousness everyone, take many breaks and there’s lots of wrist and hand stretches online.

    Also, a vertical mouse have helped my carpal tunnel. If you don’t know what that is, use the Magic Mouse for a little while and it’ll kick in.