• SuperFola
    505 months ago

    I’m getting fed up about all those articles “rust x something: the future?”, “I rewrote <cli tool> in rust it’s now memory safe”. I get the rust safeties and all, but that doesn’t automatically make everything great, right ? You can still write shit code in any language that can RM -rf all your disk, or let security gaps here and there without intending to.

    • @Asudox
      5 months ago

      It does make stuff great. Even Microsoft is trying out Rust in their shit operating system because apparently 30% of all CVEs are related to, you guessed it, memory issues. And Rust will most likely solve them all. Even the Linux kernel has Rust code in it now. If Rust was not of importance, why would the Linux kernel get rusty? Especially Linus Torvalds is very strict about these things. Sure, bad code rewritten in Rust does not make it any better than it originally was. Plus you get C-like speed with good syntax and memory safety, what more could you ask for?

    • @sweaty
      175 months ago

      Yes security issues will remain a problem no matter what language was used. You are talking about the possibility of a logic flaw being there, whereas rust ‘just’ prevents memory corruption.

      Which is the more common security issue? Memory corruption by a mile. That’s why many are excited by the rust rewrite

      So you’re right it isn’t literally everything, but I’m not sure what would be. What would make you not fed up about it?

      • SuperFola
        05 months ago

        I think I’m more fed up with people making those quotes “rust will change everything” when, in fact, it will rule out many if not most memory corruption as you said. Reading your comment, I see now it’s the mentality “everything need to be in rust” that bothers me the most, which in fact means “rust can bring memory safety” and not “rust will replace everything”. Alas I’m seeing it used times and times again as the latter instead of the former.

      • Aatube
        5 months ago

        Maybe, but I find it kinda frustrating that they invested a lot of time in the direct opposite way. Thunderbird had Qt/GTK support in version 102. In the next release, they forced their own theme and moved some elements while removing Qt and GTK support with the nonsensical justification of “we’d have to hardcode every single possible color permutation that the user could theme” when you get the colors from a function. They then locked the threads about this. I assume they did some internal refactoring, but still, it feels frustrating. 102 115

        (note that the new UI can be customizable to have the inbox be single-row and the mail content be on the bottom) (also 115 is 102’s next release, thunderbird updates the major version number to whatever firefox’s is at the time of release)

    • @ceiphas
      -15 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @[email protected]
    255 months ago

    I honestly don’t understand the love for Thunderbird… Tried it for a few months, loved it entirely until I discovered it was fucking losing days worth of emails

    Lost, as in, nowhere to be found, no search or manual browse would find them, no way of restoring them. Had to go into OWA to see the missing emails

    Then apparently I found out it’s a known bug

    I’m sorry but I would trade every bell and whistle for an email client that does not fucking lose your email

    • @TCB13
      135 months ago

      Maybe the issue was that you were using it to access some kind of Microsoft service and their improper IMAP implementation.

    • @MalachaiConstant
      25 months ago

      Gmail has a bad habit of losing my emails anyway. Maybe yours too if you ever used Google Inbox.

      I migrated my main account to Inbox and it was honestly the best email experience I’ve had. Unfortunately, the forced migration following its collapse left my Gmail riddled with problems.

      Granted, it’s not losing days worth of email. It just occasionally attempts to automatically categorize emails into categories that don’t exist, removing them from my inbox and leaving them in a weird uncategorized limbo space. Once there, I have to search for them specifically before they will show up anywhere.

      The worst part is, it is so inconsistent that I have no clue when to expect it. I have missed major bills this way.

      I have a coworker who is also an Inbox refugee. He is the only other person I’ve met with identical Gmail issues.

      • @[email protected]
        25 months ago

        Victim of the Inbox move myself… Same as it happens with Thunderbird, I started noticing something amiss when searching for emails I was certain I had were coming back empty

        At first I thought my memory was not as good as I expected… But then realized what was going on

    • @pyre
      15 months ago

      my problem was that it looked like it was designed in the 1960s.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      I mean we are using Exchange email accounts at work with thunderbird, would be really lol if emails just get “lost”. But yea for sure a problem of Thunderbird. No user nor microsoft problem… ;>

      • @[email protected]
        5 months ago

        The email was right in my inbox in owa… It could be an ms issue although I had seen the email in Thunderbird, that’s how I saw it first… Not sure how an email disappearing from my inbox is my fault

  • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
    5 months ago

    The Evolution email client is pretty great, and FairEmail for Android.

        • Goku
          15 months ago

          I don’t remember why but I switched from k9 to fairemail a long time ago. I think it might have been the branding lol… Shallow I know but I just can’t get passed the logo / name. I might give it another shot once it’s rebranded.

      • @[email protected]
        235 months ago

        Different people, different taste.

        I love FairEmail because of its “millions” of settings and the privacy features, for an example if you press a link, you’ll get a popup with options (for an example, what app you want to open the link with). And if the link contains trackers, FairEmail will remove these by default and saying “tracking parameters removed” with yellow text in bold.

        K-9 Mail feels incomplete in comparison. Have you tried FairEmail?

          • @[email protected]
            85 months ago

            And when was “last time”? :) I have been using F-Droid for FairEmail since I tried the email client for the first time few years ago and I have never got any issues. Just updated FairEmail while writing this comment. Works just fine :)

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
        -65 months ago

        K-9 mail is what I originally used, but it isn’t supported or being developed any more. There were some weird issues that I can’t remember now that caused me to switch to FairEmail.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            25 months ago

            They must have started again. It was a dead project when I switched to FairEmail. I’m glad to hear it, because it’s a good program.

            • @[email protected]
              5 months ago

              I don’t recall it ever being a dead project. They did have a time period where you had to either join the beta on Play Store, obtain the beta on Github releases, or use F-Droid and install the beta. They were working on integrating certain things and rewrites before doing an official release.

              It was a pinned issue in their issue tracker.

              The whole 5.7xx series were betas, and 5.800 started the official releases again

  • efscher
    115 months ago

    In the meantime, Evolution has had EWS support for years… no Rust involved.

    • Goku
      5 months ago

      Evolution is a good client that I used for a long time. But I switched to Thunderbird after their recent UI overhaul and I have to say it feels way more thought out and robust than evolution.

  • @[email protected]
    75 months ago

    Who cares ? What matters is the features and how fast the app is. Not what language was used to achieve that.

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Rust is wildly fast. Learning that it is being used for a program is good to know if you care about speed. If you read the article, it even addresses your exact critiques:

      Moreover, Rust has demonstrated superior performance compared to JavaScript add-ons, resulting in a quicker and more responsive Thunderbird. Furthermore, the integration of Rust into Thunderbird will be facilitated by the fact that it is already utilized in Firefox, enabling Thunderbird to leverage existing infrastructure for testing and continuous integration.

      So not only with thunderbird be faster because Rust is faster than JavaScript, but it eliminates 3rd party addons by being native which also further increases speed. Lastly, development time for new features and improvements is faster because they can now use using the mature tooling that Mozilla has for Rust.

      So yeah, good to know its using Rust now.

      • @[email protected]
        05 months ago

        The improvement here is switching from interpreted to compiled. It could have been C, Zig, Odin, or even C++ (but thank Satan it isn’t C++)

        I’m not sure I understand why people like Rust over C, although I don’t have that much experience in enterprise coding. I’m generally distrustful of languages without a standardized specification, and I don’t really like that Rust has been added to the Linux Kernel. Torvalds giving in to public opinion isn’t something I thought I’d live to see…

        I get the segmentation fault thing, but to be blunt, that sounds like a skill issue more than an actual computer science problem.

        Maybe if things were less rushed and quality control was regarded more highly, we wouldn’t have such insanities as an email client (or an anything client) written in JavaScript in the first place.

        Rust is likely going to suffer the same problem as JS, where people indirectly include 6,000 crates and end up with 30 critical CVEs in their email client that they can’t even fix because the affected crate was abandoned 5 years ago…

        • @[email protected]
          185 months ago

          Obviously it’s a skill issue but don’t you ever make mistakes? If Rust prevents some bugs and makes you more productive, what is not to like? It’s a new language and takes time to learn but the benefits seem to outweigh the downsides now and certainly in the long run (compared to C at least).

          Maybe Torvalds didn’t give in to public opinion but made an informed choice?

          The crates are a bit of a problem and I think Rust is a bit overhyped for high-level problems (it still requires manual memory management after all) but those are not principal roadblockers, especially in the kernel.

          • @someacnt_
            15 months ago

            I do wonder why rust is used in high-level time to time, then I realize the most high-level langs are sht.

        • @[email protected]
          5 months ago

          This “skills issue” thing just sounds so stupid in my ears. I am sick of reading it.

          So, I am choosing a language that I hope will ensure fast, secure, and sophisticated code for my project. It has to do this for code I write, my team writes, and all future maintainers and contributors will write as well. If I choose a language that makes it easy to write unstable, fragile, and insecure code then “the skills issue” applies more to my lack of capability as an architect than it does the coders that come after me.

          Stop saying, “well ya, it is super easy to make these mistakes in this language but that would never happen if you are as awesome as I am” and thinking that sounds like an intelligent argument for your language choice. There are better options. Consider them.

          • @[email protected]
            45 months ago

            Why do you want sophisticated code ? That word seems out of place from the other two to me.

            Rust doesn’t introduce the same problems as C, but it sure does introduce a lot of other problems in making code overly complicated. Lifetimes and async are both leaky abstractions (and don’t even work as advertised, as rust-cve recently demonstrated), macros can hide control flow…

            C is unsafe, sure, but also doesn’t pretend to be safe. C is also stupid simple, and that’s a good thing : you can’t just slap ArcMutexes around, because by the time you know how to code them yourself you also know why you shouldn’t do that.

            I hope Rust can reach a point where its safety model can be formally proven, and we have a formal specification and a stable ABI so we don’t have to hard-compile every crate into the binary.

            But I personally expect something with some of Rust’s ideas, but cleaned up, to do that instead. Actually, I wouldn’t be surprised if C itself ends up absorbing some of Rust’s core ideas in an upcoming standard.

        • @someacnt_
          5 months ago

          Do you really think Torvalds is the one who would cave in to public opinion only? Really?

          Also how much of C programming did you do

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          I’m not sure I understand why people like Rust over C, although I don’t have that much experience in enterprise coding.

          I’d actually say that Rust is more popular in open-source projects. The reason people like it is because it’s WAY safer than C or C++ while being literally just as fast if not faster. I’m still in the process of learning it though so I can’t speak to your other points.

          It is worth mentioning that the White House recommends Rust over C/C++ due to its very notable safety advantage over classic languages.

          • @ricdeh
            25 months ago

            How can Rust be faster than C? What is faster than unabstracted direct memory management?

        • @iopq
          -35 months ago

          Any bug is a skill issue. There’s literally 0.001% of programmers who are dealing with computer science problems and they are all compiler writers

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      Why does every mention of Rust have to spawn these comments?

      The story right after this one for me is how KeepassXC is porting to Qt6. I bet nobody has knee-jerk responded to that story bitching about the fact that they mentioned Qt. It is just the anti-Rust zealots that do this.

      This article talks about the problems they were trying to solve, the tools they chose, and how those tools solve those problems. What is wrong with that?

      Are you offering up informed commentary countering why you would have made different choices and why?

      You do not need to attack every mention of a technology just because it threatens your historical preferences.

      • :3 3: :3 3: :3 3: :3
        55 months ago

        To be fair, Rust Evangelists are fucking annoying and it’s fun to hate them.

        How do I know? Would you like to talk about lord and savior, Ferris?

    • @[email protected]
      35 months ago

      people who like fast apps should care because like 99% of current software developers are building electron apps instead of giving us something that actually lets your high end computer behave like a high end computer.

      the only modern chat application that doesn’t run electron today is Telegram.

      the only cloud note taking app that doesn’t run electron is …uh. doesn’t even exist.

      the only…

      i can’t even think of something i use that was released after 2016 on my computer that doesn’t run at a crawl because of electron. fuck electron.

      • @ricdeh
        15 months ago

        I am pretty sure all of the KDE suite software does not use Electron. Or are you using Windows?

        • @[email protected]
          15 months ago

          using cinnamon. and yeah base software is largely fine. but non-base productivity apps are largely built in electron. cinnamon even offers a webapp tool so in some cases i can at least avoid it.

  • daddyjones
    -175 months ago

    How many people still use an email client? Genuine question.

    I use either my phone or a web interface.

    • @[email protected]
      545 months ago
      • offline access and archival
      • use with multiple providers
      • seamless integration with contacts and calendar of any provider
      • better keyboard shortcuts
      • multiple windows
      • end2end encryption via PGP keys, can use same keys as the rest of the system
      • more lightweight on system resources
      • themes, I guess?
      • @TCB13
        25 months ago

        ^ Boils down to not being hostage to a single provider and whatever it offers.

    • @ceiphas
      295 months ago

      And your Phone is not using a Client?

      • daddyjones
        -25 months ago

        Of course it is, but I clearly meant a desktop client.

    • @[email protected]
      295 months ago

      I only recently start using it after also being a browser email user all my life.

      Kinda wondering what took me so long Thunderbird is great! don’t have to relearn questionable Ui between different email providers or re-login to check two mailboxes on the same provider.

      Only annoying thing is not supporting ProtonMail out of the box.

      • RBG
        135 months ago

        That annoying thing is more on Protonmail though and I don’t mean that as a negative, just more difficult to connect when the provider wants to keep things secure.

        • @TCB13
          25 months ago

          just more difficult to connect when the provider wants to keep things secure.

          Proton could’ve just implemented everything they did with IMAP/SMTP on Thunderbird + OpenPGP with the same level of security, but they decided not to. Yes, their solution is convenient but also close to everything else.

      • @TCB13
        45 months ago

        Only annoying thing is not supporting ProtonMail out of the box.

        That’s Protons fault, they’re the ones that decided to ignore all the open and standard e-mail, contacts and calendar protocols out there and built their custom-everything stack to keep you vendor-locked into their interfaces.

    • @[email protected]
      195 months ago

      Web interfaces are so much worse than local apps IMO. And that doesn’t just include email, I always choose a local app over anything that runs in my browser.

    • @[email protected]
      135 months ago

      Your phone’s email app is a client, but I digress… I hate using the browser to access emails. I use many different email accounts with multiple email providers to compartmentalize my emails and avoid spam. I used Thunderbird for years before switching to Geary and now back to Thunderbird.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      I do, i dont want to have to access 5 accounts using the browser on 3 different websites

      Unfortunaly protonmail is not possible local (afaik) so i have to check there in the Browser.

    • @TheEntity
      85 months ago

      How many email accounts do you have? It might be a huge factor. I have about 7 accounts I need to check regularly and I cannot imagine doing it manually for each. I can see it working for one or maybe two though.

    • @Olap
      55 months ago

      Me. Outlook on my windows work box is hard to beat imo. Personal? All android’s default and web-ui

    • @[email protected]
      5 months ago

      I use a client because I don’t want microsoft to remember me when I go on other microsoft site besides their web email client.

      I guess I can use a dedicated browser for email, but that is pretty much just a email client using more resources.

    • @[email protected]
      55 months ago

      If you self host your E-mail it’s way more recourse efficient not to host a web interface

      • daddyjones
        25 months ago

        Which is obviously not what I was saying at all…

        • @[email protected]
          25 months ago

          That’s exactly what you’re saying.

          Your “genuine question” indicates that you have no capacity to understand that others may have different use cases to your own.

    • @[email protected]
      25 months ago

      I have several mails for different projects. Also private + university mail. Then I have my Google mail that I exclusively use for everything related to android/app store.

      Checking all those mail accounts at once, managing folders/filters and signatures is all way easier with a desktop mail client.

      Some years ago I was like you. I only needed to read mail and I have to admit that a desktop client is not really necessary in that case.

    • @[email protected]
      -85 months ago

      I want to, but none work properly. KMail is broken on NixOS, Evolution doesn’t work well with KDE, and Thunderbird was just a broken mess last time I used it a few years ago when I was distro-hopping. Email is really not that important to me anymore either. Check it on the shitter or before bed and that’s it.

      Anti Commercial-AI license

      • 2xsaiko
        55 months ago

        I use KMail on NixOS (though, still the Qt 5 version) and it works for me. What’s the problem with it?

          • 2xsaiko
            5 months ago

            Huh, I haven’t encountered any of these (adding address book works for me too, the last comment on that post seems to have a solution if it doesn’t for you) and I’ve used KMail on NixOS for probably about as long as that first issue existed. Weird.

              • 2xsaiko
                15 months ago

                Not at all, given we’re running probably significantly different configurations. With the same configuration we’d get the same results, and NixOS never claimed to eliminate what is essentially packaging bugs related to runtime dependencies. KDE stuff (and especially anything Akonadi-related) right now needs a lot of plugin path environment variable mess to work with NixOS’s file structure because it loads a bunch of stuff at runtime from other packages, which can break in strange ways like this if you don’t add a specific package to your system packages for example, it’s definitely not ideal the way it is right now but it’s also pretty hard to get right.

                • @[email protected]
                  15 months ago

                  Not at all, given we’re running probably significantly different configurations. With the same configuration we’d get the same result

                  The same argument can be made for any OS. Same packages, same hardware, same configuration, and probably it would be the same.

                  NixOS never claimed to eliminate what is essentially packaging bugs related to runtime dependencies


                  it’s also pretty hard to get right

                  I saw the work k900 and other contributors put into KDE and Qt stuff. It’s admirable. I’m not saying it’s their fault things are the way they are.

                  Anti Commercial-AI license