• @RestrictedAccount
    5 months ago

    It’s great being old. You always get to meet new people.

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    I really like the experience of a movie, show, or game that I am experiencing again after a several year gap. I get to look forward to the big unforgettable plot points and see how the details build to them, but some of those details are fuzzy after so much time. I get to still experience the ride even though I know where it’s headed in the end.

    35 months ago

    My parents watched the 6th Sense no less than 8 times from 1999 to 2008 and every time I was like “You know you’ve seen this movie before right?” and they would argue they hadn’t and then (Spoilers for a 25 year old movie I guess) when Bruce Willis is dead at the end it would blow their minds every single time.

  • lazynoobletOP
    35 months ago

    I just re-listened to the Bobiverse audio book for the 2nd time, and whilst I remembered the general plot, it still felt fresh as its been 5 years or so since I first listened to it. Such a great series.

    • @CrayonRosary
      25 months ago

      I wish Amazon would release the 5th one. It’s been ready since January.

        • @CrayonRosary
          25 months ago

          Dennis Taylor wrote a blog post back in January that the recording and editing were done and it should be out by March. So I rejoined Audible since they offered me a good deal (4 months for $24). I figured I’d get the Bobiverse book when it came out and a few others.

          Well, Audible delayed the book until September because… reasons. Fuckers. Now I might just pirate it. Maybe find a way to send a few bucks Dennis’ way.


  • @seaQueue
    15 months ago

    Part of me is legitimately looking forward to rewatching all of my favorite movies and TV for the first time in my terminal years. I can’t be the only one who wants to see The Return of the King again for the first time.

  • @theangryseal
    15 months ago

    I couldn’t stand to watch something more than once when I was younger.

    Now all I gotta do is wait a few weeks and it’s brand new all over again. Only big moments seem to stand out, or episodes of shows that meant a lot to me.

    I couldn’t watch Who Watches the Watchers or Inner Light from TNG for example. That is, unless I was showing them to someone else.

  • DevopsPalmer
    15 months ago

    But eventually you only watch the pilot every time because you forget. Everytime.