The barrel is octagonal, slightly swamped and with a plain muzzle. Simple triangular foresight and a single backsight decorated by a concave forward section. The barrel is fastened to the stock by four pierced lugs underneath. On the upper surface of the barrel near the breech is a mon inlaid in silver in the form of a circle containing a five section melon shape within which was a five petalled flower, now missing. The barrel is further decorated, probably at a later date, with a pine tree in brass and herons in silver. The pan, pan cover and flash guard are of the usual type.

The stock is of kashi (red oak) in the style used by the Sakai group. All of the pin holes are surrounded by decorative chrysanthemum shaped inlays whilst the remainder of the furniture is engraved with peonies. On the outer face of the butt is inlaid a shishi in brass with a peony on the reverse. Inside the barrel channel is an inscription in ink. Typical brass lock with external mainspring of brass. Inside, the horizontal scear is of iron, the tail wrapped with paper to take up movement.