A Nihilistic immortal being named Connor is a subject in a giant facility containing unfathomable horrors hidden away from humankind A dark comedy focused on morality and beings known as SCP. The series follows Connor a young adult who seemingly cannot die although being killed in multiple gory fashions. He resides in a facility run by an unknown government funded organization that test on eldritch like monsters.

Ferdinand the Cannibal: I say! You're not an average chap like the rest of them, are you?

Connor: Not... technically, no...

Ferdinand: You're an abnormality. An SCP, like us! You belong here, with us!

Connor: No, no no no! I do not belong here with you! I am not a human atom bomb, I'm not a rapidly evolving virus, and I'm not a Shakespearean cannibal!

—Episode 1: "The Cannibal"

All Episodes

Sadly, the series was interrupted after the seventh episode (plus some extra) and doesn’t seem likely to resume anytime soon. Nevertheless, it’s an amazing series that I recommend to any SCP fan.

For more info - Tvtropes - Confinement | What Happened to Confinement?

  • Dr. Coomer
    65 months ago

    We dont talk about Containment. Not anymore.

  • @[email protected]
    35 months ago

    A couple of weeks ago I thought “what ever happened to confinement? I wonder if the new episode came out yet” and sadly it did

  • mommykink
    25 months ago

    SCP was fun before the zoomers found it and tried to build an overarching narrative, change my mind

    • ekZeppOPM
      35 months ago

      why should i? 👍