“We call on John Swinney to state officially that he personally is now the Minister for Independence going forward. Furthermore, we believe that every Government Minister and SNP spokespeople should be briefed to make the case for independence at every opportunity and with more consistency than the SNP have managed since 2014.”

“The SNP is languishing in the polls whilst independence support remains high and is growing, partly due to independence grassroots activism. That means the SNP has but one card to play and that is to go all out for independence.”

“Believe in Scotland expects the SNP to maintain its focus on independence as the way to end the damage caused to Scotland’s economy by Brexit by rejoining the EU. To end the cost of living crisis and leave the neoliberalism/austerity led economic approach, shared by all the London based parties, in the dustbin of failed economic approaches where it belongs and most importantly, invest in the wellbeing of Scotland’s people.”