• @JonsJava
    335 months ago

    The comments have (no pun intended) gone off the rails. Locking.

  • @[email protected]
    1395 months ago

    I’m 4 of the things on the bottom track.

    We need to get Joe Biden elected then make his life hell until he stops funding Israel.

    • @PugJesusOP
      535 months ago

      Hell yeah.

      Maybe we can get him to stop funding Israel before that, even. But first and foremost, fascism must be stopped, for the same reason that the Western Allies sided with the Soviet Union in WW2. We may despise each other, but there is a worse foe afoot.

        • @PugJesusOP
          335 months ago

          Every two years, for decades, you people drag this canard out.

          Maybe you should try paying attention more often than every two years.

          And yet, we just keep getting more fascist.

          Wow, thank you for informing me we’re more fascist now than we were in the 80s, or the 50s, or the 10s.

            • @PugJesusOP
              5 months ago

              I was being charitable, I know you employ it even more often than that.

              Oh, how terrible, that we try to fight against fascism more often than that.

              removed, you’re the one freaking out about how we teetering at the edge of concentration camps and suspended elections.

              We are in danger of fascism. That’s not the same as being more fascist currently. That’s the point of fascism - overthrow of democratic institutions. Do you think a democratic nation in danger of monarchy is more monarchist than ever before? Is that how you think things work? Fucking lmao.

              But of course, what do you know about fascism? You couldn’t identify it if it put you in a uniform and a rally, shouting slogans worshiping the Great Leader, so long as it was painted red.

              Thanks for not denying that we’re on the edge, btw, really shows how little you care about the destruction of democracy and the murder of minorities. Hell, it almost seems like you’ll be celebrating it.

                • @PugJesusOP
                  5 months ago

                  Not sure why you’re stupid enough to think the people who have already been victimized by it, though no fault of their own, would feel anything but joy to see people like you, who actually deserve it, get the same treatment.

                  Yep, you caught me, by voting Dem to hold off fascism a little longer, I actually deserve genocide for the sin of being a minority. What great Leftist theory they teach wherever you went to uni at! They did things differently at my uni.

        • @masquenox
          -45 months ago

          And yet, we just keep getting more fascist.

          Funny how that works… it’s almost like constantly voting for a bunch of rich elites that will reach across the aisle to overt fascists as soon as they are in power has delivered the perfectly predictable outcome.

          I wonder how many of the Genocide Joe gaslighters will be showing up when it’s time to actually throw down with nazis and pigs come post-November… my guess is that they will resort to screeching from the sidelines - same as last time.

    • Franklin
      5 months ago

      We should also pressure our Congressional Representatives.

      • @PugJesusOP
        305 months ago

        My rep called for a permanent ceasefire. Makes me at least somewhat happy I voted for him.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      To elect the person most likely not to horribly escalate the guaranteed protest post election is quite a strat.

      Who ever said politics were boring? Shits on fire, literally

  • @gmtom
    525 months ago

    Also don’t forget the supreme court. 2 of the conservatives justices are getting old and couldnpossibly retire during a trump term to assure a partisan republican court for several decades.

  • blargerer
    145 months ago

    Just because you’d pull one of those levers if it comes down to it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do what you can to avert things before it comes to that.

    • @PugJesusOP
      475 months ago

      I mean, if you’ve got a plan, I’m all for it. Absolutely, keep protesting against the genocide, boycotting Israeli goods, doing whatever you can. If you’ve got plans for a mass revolution taking to the streets, by all means.

      But, if it comes down to it, election day comes and the current state of affairs is ongoing, you have to know which lever to pull, vile as it is. The greater evil helps no one.

  • @rockSlayer
    95 months ago

    If these are our options, tear up the fucking track.

    • @PugJesusOP
      575 months ago

      If you have a viable way of doing so before the election, by all means, share your idea.

      Otherwise, pull the lever and return to planning track disposal after election day.

    • Neato
      215 months ago

      Ok, let us know when you start.

      Oh you want us to do it while you sit at home and we get shot? Typical.

      • @rockSlayer
        5 months ago

        I’m a union and community organizer. I’m already working on this shit. Let me know when you want to come and help.

        Edit: you can really tell the reddit community is migrating now.

        Ok, let us know when you start

        I am already.


  • @elliot_crane
    65 months ago

    Knocking it out of the park with these memes lately PugJesus!

    Let’s see the “both sides are the same”/“vote third party” crowd scamper out into the light to get shut the fuck down yet again.

    • @PugJesusOP
      95 months ago

      Thanks, but I’m a shameless meme thief. I’m just a meme vector!

      • @elliot_crane
        65 months ago

        The messaging is what’s important, so keep on vectoring!

  • @[email protected]
    -225 months ago

    Holy fucking shit… We’ve looped back around with the trolley problem memes to end up back at the actual trolley problem.

    The entire reason the trolley problem is a “problem” is because it’s not necessarily morally correct to insert yourself into a problem in order to save people, if by doing so you also condemn someone. It’s debated that it’s better to let an unfortunate scenario in which multiple people die play out - allowing yourself to stay out of the picture and not be responsible - than to take action to minimize the damage, and by doing so become part of the picture and partly responsible for the damage that does occur.

    It’s supposed to be a difficult situation, even if taking action saves lives, because by taking action you are specifically partially responsible as an acting member in the scenario. There are a lot of people who believe that it’s better to stay out of it and leave yourself morally untouched for having never taken part in it than to take action, even if the action would save lives. And there are a lot of people who believe that it’s better to take action if you can, especially if it saves lives, even if your actions still condemn people to death.

    The whole point is that it’s NOT a scenario with a correct answer. The best answer is the one that lets you sleep at night. Yes, I’ll be voting democrat, but I certainly don’t blame those who believe dirtying your hands by voting for a genocide supporter is an unacceptable act.

    • @PugJesusOP
      255 months ago

      It’s debated that it’s better to let an unfortunate scenario in which multiple people die play out - allowing yourself to stay out of the picture and not be responsible - than to take action to minimize the damage, and by doing so become part of the picture and partly responsible for the damage that does occur.

      “It’s debated”, yes. Most things are debated. Looking at the trolley problem, I don’t really have any respect for anyone who thinks that a strict deontological interpretation is worth murdering four extra people.

      Inaction isn’t innocence, it’s a choice like any other.

      • @[email protected]
        -265 months ago

        Congratulations, you solved the trolley problem. I’ll let all of the philosophers of the world know so you can collect your prize… Inaction isn’t innocence, but the “right” answer isn’t innocence, either. Don’t take solace in the fact that you minimized the damage by condemning a bunch of people you don’t know to death by the very person you supported; this election will be my greatest regret in life for not doing something more to force out a 3rd option, as it should be for all of us.

        • @[email protected]
          155 months ago

          This is why I never got the trolley problem. It seems so obvious that you’re making a choice either way, and less deaths is better.

        • @PugJesusOP
          5 months ago

          Congratulations, you solved the trolley problem. I’ll let all of the philosophers of the world know so you can collect your prize

          Thanks. I didn’t realize having strong moral convictions was so rare!

          • @[email protected]
            -175 months ago

            Oh it’s not, it’s just rare for someone to have them while actually understanding morality.

  • atro_city
    -235 months ago

    These stupid jokes about centrists really show how fucked up the USA is. Both parties are the same: shit. One is less shit than the other (democrats, to be clear), but they are both still shit. There’s a guy running literally called “Literally Anybody Else”.

    • @PugJesusOP
      85 months ago

      Removed by mod

  • db0
    -275 months ago

    It should show the rest of the flags above a few meters later on the top track.

      • @PugJesusOP
        55 months ago

        I think DB0 is cool, they just have some bad takes springing from cynicism.

        And fuck, getting up in the morning, I can hardly blame them some days.

        But we have to do what little we can, as individuals in a world of billions, to oppose what we can, how we can.

        • @[email protected]
          -65 months ago

          I see you post a lot and I think db0 is definitely cooler

          oppose what we can, how we can

          We gotta go so far past picking between these two garbage choices

          • @PugJesusOP
            115 months ago

            We gotta go so far past picking between these two garbage choices

            In the long-term, yes.

            In the short-term, unless you’ve got an army with massive popular support for a government overthrow hidden in your garage, this is where we’re at.

  • @[email protected]
    -295 months ago

    Good thing the children in cages, barbed wires and general killing of immingrants in the Mexico border isn’t happening anymore now that Biden is president!

    • @Potatos_are_not_friends
      5 months ago

      Tell me which political party implemented this?

      And which political party made it incredibly difficult to dismantle in the House/Senate?

  • @retrospectology
    5 months ago

    It’s not a trolley problem. It’s you making a choice as to whether you accept the Democratic pro-genocide stance or not and whether you’re willing to put your stamp of approval on it.

    The lesser of two evils argument doesn’t work anymore, try something different now, you’re just pissing people off by demanding they actively support genocide.

    • @RegalPotoo
      345 months ago

      It is a trolley problem. Either the Democrats will be in power after the election, or the Republicans will. Voting for the lesser of two evils is a valid tactic when you live in a two-party system.

      • @retrospectology
        5 months ago

        A vote for Biden is what makes future Democratic support for genocide possible. That’s what you’re putting your seal of approval on; that the democrats can fund a literal genocide and still win elections.

        I won’t support or encourage it, and the more you demand and squeal that people must support genocide the more sure I become that I won’t.

        Want people to vote for Biden? Pressure him and all your reps to defund Israel. That’s your most pragmatic course, what you’re doing now is not just a waste of time but counter-productive.

        • @[email protected]
          135 months ago

          Using your logic then, by not voting Democrats, you are making a Republican rule more likely. Even by minuscule amounts. If enough people share your view, it’s a real help to them. Why do you want to help them? Do you love wannabe Dictators that much? Staying home helps Republicans.

          • @PugJesusOP
            105 months ago

            Do you love wannabe Dictators that much?

            Yes. Some of them are fascists, and some of them are accelerationists who merely WANT to be fascists. There’s not much difference except the speed at which they want to get down and lick the boots though.

    • @PugJesusOP
      245 months ago

      “The lesser of two evils argument doesn’t work anymore”

      Ah, so you’re just going with the greater of the two evils because, apparently, you just can’t get enough genocide. Us less privileged Americans will thank you from the concentration camps.

      • @tpihkal
        -125 months ago

        Enjoy your Soylent Green, at least it’s better than bugs.

        • Xhieron
          135 months ago

          Lol, as if liberals have a right to speak.

          Careful there, people might figure out who you really are. Tighten that mask up, Socko.

          • @PugJesusOP
            75 months ago

            Don’t worry, none of the useful idiots will figure out that he’s a fascist, they’ve already been guzzling fascist rhetoric for so long that they can’t tell the difference anyway.

            • @retrospectology
              5 months ago

              So are you a pragmatist or not? You’re willing to compromise on Democratic support for genocide out of what you see as practical reality, why then are you doing the most impractical thing of trying to convince millions of voters to be pro-genocide instead of working to convince one single politician to do the right thing?

              And you’re suppose to be the logical one here?

              No wonder Dems have been getting dragged further and further to the right. With big brain strategy like this how could it not be inevitable that the party become more and more right-wing.

              • @PugJesusOP
                55 months ago

                So are you a pragmatist or not? You’re willing to compromise on Democratic support for genocide out of what you see as practical reality, why then are you doing the most impractical thing of trying to convince millions of voters to be pro-genocide instead of working to convince one single politician to do the right thing?

                Have you not been paying attention to public support for Israel in the US for the past forty fucking years?

                Let’s go down through the facts, shall we?

                1. A plurality of Dem voters still believe in CONTINUING TO SUPPLY ISRAEL WITH AID, ie exactly what Biden is doing, or INCREASING aid to Israel. They’re already pro-genocide by that standard.

                2. The braindead talking points parroted by these ghouls necessarily imply that NOT voting Biden will, in some way, alleviate genocide, when the exact opposite is the fucking truth.

                3. I already support protests and boycotts to influence Dem politicians, I just don’t support electing a literal fascist who has pledged to do everything he can to assist the ongoing genocide AND start a few here at home too, because I’m not a fucking moron.

                No wonder Dems gave been getting dragged further and further to the right. With big brain strategy like this how could it not be inevitable that the party become more and more right-wing.

                Please, tell me how the Dems are more right-wing now than in the 90s or 2000s. I’ll wait.

                • @retrospectology
                  -65 months ago

                  I already support protests and boycotts to influence Dem politicians

                  This is 100% bullshit. You being here trying to undermine those efforts and kneecap the influence that those efforts have proves that beyond a doubt. Don’t ever claim this again.

                  Please, tell me how the Dems are more right-wing now than in the 90s or 2000s. I’ll wait.

                  They’ve literally been courting right-wing voters for decades so that they can ignore their progressive base (like you’re trying to help facilitate right now). Biden’s border policy is literally fucking identical to Trumps. Democrats propped up Trump and helped him get elected, they think propping up right-wing candidates makes their own Fascist Lite candidates more viable. It’s literally the only way they can win elections now, by trying to scrape off an increasingly meaningless minority of “disillusioned republicans”.

                  Go look up clips of Zbigniew Brzezinski talking about US Israel relations, he was one of the major proponents of the Iraq war and yet his perspective on the Israeli right-wing government would get him labeled a “leftist” by modern day libs.

                  Yes, democrats have become more right-wing in their panic to suppress the growing demographic of Millenials and GenZ. It’s why we find ourselves on the doorstep of fascism right now. You neoliberals have been the ones getting into power, these are the consequences of your politics.

              • @PugJesusOP
                65 months ago

                “he’s opposed to genocide! He’s a fascist!”

                Wow, I didn’t know supporting genocide against numerous minority groups in the US was actually ANTI-genocide! Thank you for enlightening me. It’s a really brave new form of leftism you’re championing!

        • @PugJesusOP
          45 months ago

          Cute, I love that you get hard over the prospect of minorities being murdered for being liberal and concerned about resolving issues instead of, what, taking to the streets, armed and dangerous like you are?

          Oh, wait, what am I saying, you’re doing even less than the liberals you so despise.

          • @retrospectology
            -55 months ago

            No. You gave up being able to pretend you care about human beings when you demanded that we accept the Democratic party becoming pro-genocide. You don’t get to pretend you have some righteous position.

            You’re afraid for yourself, not others. You’re demanding people support genocide out of cowardice, out of the fear that suddenly you might start to be the one affected by your dogshit neoliberal strategy that you’ve been shoving down people’s throats for decades.

            Time for you to change and compromise. Others simply will not on genocide.

            • @PugJesusOP
              45 months ago

              No. You gave up being able to pretend you care about human beings when you demanded that we accept the Democratic party becoming pro-genocide.

              God, this is why paying attention to history and foreign affairs is so frustrating. People who starting paying attention in the last five seconds having meltdowns and trying to sabotage people who are actually working against the state of affairs.

              • @retrospectology
                5 months ago

                Anyone who has been paying attention should understand that neoliberal condescension is not effective. Any brain dead moron could’ve learned that from 2016.

                And watching Bill Maher doesn’t count as “keeping up on foreign affairs”.

                • @PugJesusOP
                  15 months ago

                  Anyone who has been paying attention should understand that neoliberal condescension is not effective. Any brain dead moron could’ve learned that from 2016.

                  Anyone who has been paying attention should understand that fascism is not effective at reducing genocide. But I suppose it’s too much to ask to expect bootlickers to pay attention.

                  And watching Bill Maher doesn’t count as “keeping up on fireign affairs”.

                  Who the fuck watches Bill Maher? What year is it in your world?

      • @retrospectology
        5 months ago

        No. You are guarunteeing the “greater of two evils” by trying to force people to approve genocide.

        The only thing you should be doing is pressuring your representatives to cut off aid to Israel in whatever way you can. If you want Joe Biden to be president again that’s the only way. No one is going to respond to this fear mongering bullshit anymore. That strategy has only slid us closer to fascism, it’s time for the Democrats to prove they’re different, not for everyone to accept that they’re the same.

        Demanding that people support genocide is a non-starter. Try again.

        • @PugJesusOP
          155 months ago

          No one is going to respond to this fear mongering bullshit anymore.

          Of course, the privileged who won’t suffer aren’t going to stand for concerned minorities anymore who will be oppressed and killed once they allow fascism into power. How brave of you!

          • Nougat
            145 months ago

            Notice how these ding dongs you’re tangling with only ever say bad things about Biden/Democrats? They’re either active propagandists or fully taken by them.

            The question to ask here, to really lay it out: Whether you like it or not, politics in the US are between Republicans and Democrats. The presidential election is between Biden and Trump. Who’s worse by a country mile?

            • @PugJesusOP
              65 months ago

              They’ll say “They’re both the same!”

              One will make it MUCH harder to organize and fight for a better future, in addition to very likely destroying what democracy we do have in this country and murdering hundreds of thousands of minorities.

              The other will do, effectively, very little about anything, as insufficient as that is.

              I think the choice is obvious, but apparently fascism is preferable to some self-proclaimed leftists.

              • Nougat
                75 months ago

                When of course they are not both the same. Hell, even talking about Gaza/West Bank/Golan Heights, who actually thinks that the US with Republican control of Congress and POTUS wouldn’t double the fuck down on enabling the Israeli government to subjugate Palestinians?

                I’ve been alive long enough to know that the state of politics in the US since about 2012 is not normal, and that abnormalcy all comes from conservative lunatics, who are growing in number, or have always been there quietly, or both.

                But really, as long as the commentary is just about how bad Biden/Democrats are … “Go home, Russian propaganda.”

                • @PugJesusOP
                  85 months ago

                  Hey now!

                  It might be Israeli propaganda they’ve been fed. Bibi needs a Trump administration to keep him in power so he can genocide the West Bank too.

          • @Altofaltception
            25 months ago

            You forget, the brown people who are against genocide are not very different from the group that suffered from reprisals after 9/11.

            Hardly privileged.

            • @PugJesusOP
              145 months ago

              Allowing Trump to be elected isn’t even incidentally anti-genocide. It’s explicitly pro-genocide.

              • @Altofaltception
                5 months ago

                And Biden sending bombs to Israel is not pro-genocide?

                What do you think those bombs are going to be used for?

                • @PugJesusOP
                  95 months ago

                  Biden’s support of Israel being pro-genocide doesn’t make supporting his opponent anti-genocide, considering his opponent has literally come out on record saying that Israel isn’t being genocidal ENOUGH for his tastes and that he would support them to the hilt, in addition to all the plans he has for genocide elsewhere, like Ukraine and the US.

                • @PugJesusOP
                  5 months ago

                  I’ve been decrying Israel’s genocide longer than you’ve even been fucking aware of it, buddy. It’s not my fault that you wallowed in ignorance until someone identified you as a useful idiot for fascist agitation. Thanks for admitting that you don’t care about genocide so long as it’s against the ‘right people’, like me, btw. About what I expect from privileged bougieviks.

    • DarkGamer
      45 months ago

      Such hyperbole. Democrats do not support genocide and it’s clear you don’t know what genocide is.