• @givesomefucks
    74 months ago

    Biden aides believe the president’s task on stage will be straightforward: both needling and taunting Trump, and repeatedly calling on his opponent to answer and explain comments he’s made and positions he has taken.

    The main reason for people voting Biden is that he’s not trump…

    But that’s not all he has to be. trump is going to trump, everyone is aware Biden is not trump

    So why doesn’t Biden talk about what he’s going to do to help people?

    Even if it’s just bullshit. If he gets up there and just “taunts” trump like his aides say the obvious plan is, that just makes him looked more like trump, and normalizes what trump is doing.

    He can 100% mention trump sucks and has no plan. But he better at least say he has an actual plan too.

    The people still ignorant trump is a piece of shit, ain’t going to listen to anything Biden has to say anyways.

    • @dhork
      4 months ago

      ¿Porque no los dos?

      Biden is unique in that he seems to know how to deal with people like Trump one-on-one. I think he likes to think of himself as someone who can stand up to a bully. Hillary certainly couldn’t.

      I think this debate is unique, in that the two candidates aren’t really going to debate on policies. It is performative for both of them. What they say matters less than how convincing they are in saying it.

      Biden is betting that a lot of his problem in the polls is due to concerns over his age. If he can parry Trump’s verbal shots while showing the same energy he did in the SOTU, then he may start turning those polls around. But it’s a bet, it’s not a certainty at all.

      I wonder if they scheduled the debate early on purpose, so that if Biden has a poor showing his oncologist will all of a sudden diagnose him with cancer in his $ORGAN, reluctantly leading him to bow out.

      • @givesomefucks
        -14 months ago

        Biden is unique in that he seems to know how to deal with people like Trump one-on-one

        He’s not

        . I think he likes to think of himself as someone who can stand up to a bully.

        He absolutely thinks of himself as a “tough guy” but he is a frail old man. When he tries to act tough, it’s pretty cringey to anyone less than half a century old.

        Biden is betting that a lot of his problem in the polls is due to concerns over his age

        Maybe, and that is part of it. But there’s lots of other reasons.

        It’s hard for someone like Biden (especially trump) to accept that though. They can’t accept that people have valid reasons, so they pin it on something that’s pretty far down the list and not really what people mean. Biden and trump act like any criticism of age is just the literal amount of years they have been alive, and not all the things that change as you age.

        reluctantly leading him to bow out.

        As much as I wish it was true, Biden isn’t backing out for any reason.

        • @dhork
          4 months ago

          You don’t seem to remember the last debates. Biden did a very good job standing up to Trump’s gish gallop. “Will you shut up, man?” was probably the first time in years that Donald Trump was rebuked to his face, and it stuck. Biden needs another strong moment like that.

          • @givesomefucks
            4 months ago

            You don’t seem to remember the last debates.

            The debates aren’t changing anyone’s minds from one candidate to another.

            It’s to convince people who might not vote, that while both candidates are bad, at least might be worth voting for.

            Biden doesn’t do that by rolling in the mud with trump and trading insults.

            He does that by ignoring Trump’s childish bullshit and addressing the potential voters who are listening.

            You’re acting like the whole point is “winning” an argument when you know damn well neither candidate and none of their hardcore supporters will ever admit their side did poorly.


            To be clear, that arguing shit works on idiots who thinks it makes someone “strong”.

            That’s boomer thinking.

            This election the majority of expected voters (not just total eligible) will be under 40.

            And we don’t care about that stupid shit. We want a president with a plan and a desire to follow thru. That’s what Biden needs to show. But he’s 82 years old and it’s hard for him to grasp how many generations ahead of him voters are.

            He still thinks this stupid shit will get votes.

    • @[email protected]
      34 months ago

      So why doesn’t Biden talk about what he’s going to do to help people?

      I’m reading a book titled “Hit 'Em Where It Hurts” that explains why this this doesn’t work anymore. Basically, and contrary to you, not everyone knows that Biden isn’t Trump. Often these low-information voters just catch whatever vibes they happen to come across since they’re generally uninterested in politics.

      So, imagine you’re one of these people.

      From the Republicans you’ll hear, “Biden and the radical leftists want turn your kids away, make you pay more for energy, raise your taxes, and strip you off your freedom! They can’t be allowed to continue with their dangerous agenda that rips the future from patriots like you!”

      From Democrats, if they focus on what they’ll do to help, “We’re going to forgive student loans, make the wealthy pay their fair share, and do more to invest in under-served communities. We want everybody to have a real shot at thy American Dream.”

      Which do you think is more convincing? It does not help that Republicans have a massive media infrastructure that repeats their political messages while Democrats don’t.

      The book I’m reading suggests using the Republican strategy against them. After all, it’s proven to be effective for Democrats (remember the Red Wave in 2022 that never was). And emphasizing the threat of the Republican party to American democracy is just true.

  • Optional
    34 months ago

    Oh god, I can’t look

  • @AdamEatsAss
    14 months ago

    “President Biden has scheduled multiple meetings with Washington’s top memory and speach specialists prior to the event. While former president Trump has scheduled meetings with Washington’s top sleep and memory specialists. Two very different strategies here, possibly denoting the drastic age difference between the two.”

    • El Barto
      74 months ago

      As much as the speech part is funny, Biden’s condition is from birth. So he’s doing quite alright given the circumstances.

      • BigFig
        104 months ago

        Fucking hate it when people make fun of his speech impediment. True sign of an asshole if you’re willing to make fun of someone for that.

        • @kava
          -54 months ago

          Listen to Biden talk 30 years ago. Nobody was making fun of his speech. He was energetic and charismatic. People make fun of him today because he frequently sounds like a sleepy old man.