I use Tor every once in a while for basic web browsing just to add some regular traffic to the network and not just dark web traffic. I mainly use it for Reddit as they lock to block me because of my VPN IP but don’t block Tor IP and occasionally other stuff. I know Tor is made so that everyone looks the same but, I am not really concerned with that when all I’m doing is browsing Reddit (my threat model isn’t high enough to use Tor for the purpose of getting Tor anonymity, at least for Reddit), so would using an extension like Dark Reader just to make it easier on the eyes gonna really have a big impact?

  • Lemongrab
    74 months ago

    It injects JavaScript and CSS. Any modifications to the webpage DOM are easily fingerprintable and therefore making it easy to distinguish you from other Tor users.

    If Tor is blocked try using a RedLib instance: https://github.com/redlib-org/redlib-instances/blob/main/instances.md

    My possible solution for you:

    1. Visit CreepJS ( https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/ ) and calculate your fuzzy fingerprint. Copy-paste that somewhere for later. This step is important so you can verify afterwords that your fingerprint stayed the same (the fingerprint of all other Tor browser users on your release version).

    2. Install redirector ( https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/redirector/ ).

    3. Look at the list of public RedLib instances and find ones that are dark mode by default. Then create a config in Redirector to redirect links when you visit reddit.com

    4. Visit creepJS and verify that your fingerprint is the same.

    If it isn’t too bothersome, I recommend not install any extension because there may be some way to distinguish you even if your reported fingerprint doesn’t change on creepJS.

  • @Deckweiss
    4 months ago

    sounds like XY problem

    you can use libreddit instances with your vpn ( for convenience you can install the libredirect plugin in firefox or whatever, just make sure to go to the specific reddit settings in the plugin, ping the instances and add only the ones that are up. The default one has been down for a while. )

    • @[email protected]
      14 months ago

      this is the way. redlib is 100x times faster and better, and the probability that the instances are collection your tor browser fingerprint is almost 0%. Also i think there are some onion based instances?

  • @Asudox
    14 months ago

    Please just leave every setting that can be potentially fingerprinted alone. Even if you use the TOR network, the fingerprint can easily give your identity away.