Air strikes have left the country with less than half of its electricity generation capacity, leading to daily power outages of 10 hours or more, a situation experts say will deteriorate further ahead of winter

“It is the new reality for our day-to-day life in the years to come,” said Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal on June 4. This new reality is living for 10 hours a day without electricity, the daily average over the past week when electricity supply to every household in Kyiv or Dnipro was cut.

In another city, Odesa, in the south, there were neighborhoods that spent 20 hours without power. For the coming week, the state energy operator Ukrenergo estimates at least six hours a day without supply throughout the country.

Russian air strikes have destroyed more than half of Ukraine’s power generation capacity. Politicians, companies in the sector, and experts say that the situation will get worse, and is likely to become dramatic during the coming winter.