• @[email protected]
    186 hours ago

    Of course Vance is has a weird thing with car seats. His attraction to children’s furniture is probably his deepest, darkest secret. IKEA meets Epstein’s island.

  • @[email protected]
    668 hours ago

    LOL i’ve never wanted kids, but car seats have literally never once been a factor in that decision

    every fucking day this guy makes himself look worse than all the hillbillies he shat on for a whole book

    • @[email protected]
      117 hours ago

      Same boat, friend. In fact, I have no issue caring for other’s children and one of the first things I say when making plans is “don’t forget the car seat” even if we don’t plan on going anywhere because you can’t plan emergencies.

    • @cm0002
      97 hours ago

      Have kids and tbh I’m actually kinda jealous of their car seats. They look so snug and comfy and are also the safest passenger in the vehicle with their nice 5 point harness lmao

  • Jesus
    588 hours ago

    If Mr Venture Capital thinks a $100 bassinet car seat combo is expensive for middle class parents, he should see what diapers or childcare costs.

    • @IMongoose
      196 hours ago

      I have two kids. Their daycare is more expensive than my house and car payment combined. And my daycare is considered inexpensive.

    • @MrFappy
      158 hours ago

      Or, idk, every other car seat…

    • @TheHotze
      36 hours ago

      Or how much housing costs.

  • @WoahWoah
    157 hours ago

    Most Americans are having enough kids. Just not white Americans. It’s amazing how great replacement theory is just run-of-the-mill republican ideology these days.

  • @Boddhisatva
    449 hours ago

    If a car seat is keeping him from knocking up his wife then he is doing something very, very wrong. From what I’ve heard about this guy and furniture though, I can’t say I’m really surprised.

  • @Makeitstop
    198 hours ago

    Yes, it’s the thought of paying for a car seat that is preventing me from having a kid.

    I mean, I can handle the crushing weight of student loans, the housing costs that keep going up, wages stagnating, having shitty insurance that makes me dread even small medical costs, and making ends meet by subjecting myself to an endless grind that leaves me barely enough time to contemplate kids let alone raising them. That’s all just normal, no need for concern. But a car seat? How the fuck am I supposed to pay for that?

  • Ghostalmedia
    97 hours ago

    Noted. Vance would’ve had 100,000 more kids if he wasn’t banging car seats too.

  • @Tylerdurdon
    66 hours ago

    This guy’s past is just the gift that keeps on giving. It’s almost like the people that vetted him were…perhaps less than competent?

  • 👍Maximum Derek👍
    46 hours ago

    I could never put a finger on it, but kids felt like an expensive 18 year punishment is because of child seats. The seats for high school aged kids are a nightmare.

  • @Mostly_Gristle
    36 hours ago

    I mean, they deter people from having children go headfirst through the windshield.

  • @lennybird
    88 hours ago

    My wife and I both work. She has a demanding stressful job (that she loves, mind you) that isn’t exactly conducive to pumping. So she breastfed as long as she could and then switched to formula. Let me tell you… Car seats aren’t shit compared to buying formula and diapers these days. I’d have to double-check but formula alone is somewhere around $300-400/mo…

  • @nemonic187
    57 hours ago

    Ask him what are his sources and if he’s still friends with his college futon?