It seems like this would negatively impact the health of the snake. Do we have any scale-less snake experts?
I happen to be a scaleless snake expert, as a result of my extensive experience.
The trick with hairless snakes is you have to keep them warm. Too little heat, and this guy will go completely rigid.
Imagine an icicle made of blood, with a snake built around it. That’s your hairless snake with too little heat.
Beyond that’s its basic hairless snake stuff: clothing, thermal tattoos, an endless supply of hairless rats, and little snakeweights to help them stay buff.
It’s not easy raising these special creatures, but it’s very rewarding once you get over the unmitigable horror of feeling them crawl around your shoulders, and their habit of whispering as you shudder.
Because of their lack of scales, they’re unable to vocalize, and hence they speak in a hoarse whisper.
Not an expert, but I have heard that this isn’t a big deal for the snake. Scaleless rat snakes (which I believe the picture to be) have been found in the wild doing pretty alright. There is a benefit to be had from scales, but in captivity I imagine it is alright.
Pretty sure I heard it from a video by All Canadian Reptile Girl
I love the attempt at providing a source, it’s a lot more than I do usually
A concept of a source
In captivity it’s fine, however some scaleless morphs are detrimental to survival, there are no safe scaleless ball python morphs for example, this is a rat/corn snake, they have one of the benign ones
Show this picture to my wife telling her “look, a hairless snake” and she was like “wow! Wait a second! All snakes are hairless!!”
Scales are made of keratin, they are basically hair!
Shouldn’t it have softer bedding than wood chips?
I know right? I keep thinking it needs a blanket too but then I realize that it’s cold blooded. 😅
So an electric blanket
That’s terrifying. This creature could be any size imaginable.
Seeing that is scale-less and all. Maybe a banana could help?
I’ll see myself out…
The beast rests on a bed of wood chunks
An actual, honest to God, trouser snake!
He looks more conscious somehow. I think I’ve got mammalian in-group bias. He just looks like more of a little bro than a regular snake does.
Like a dog that got turned into a snake and is now like wut
I prefer a “Nudle” ☺️
every aspect of a snake is, in fact, the result of a mutation
Technically true, but I’m thinking they’re trying to explain this isn’t from a species of scaleless snakes (yet)
What about the aspects of a fish
Cute, lil snake needs protection
I like snakes, but this makes me weirdly uncomfortable
This is the snake equivalent of breeding brachycephalic dogs. It’s bad for the animal and bad for the hobby.
I always get really upset whenever I’m reminded of Twistey Cats.
Forbidden sausage
Skinake is skinakey
Bro about to betray his kind and usher in the age of Lords
This immediately reminded me of that one scene from the boys with the supe with the giant schlongadong
Small intestine camouflage