Link to the spreadsheet:

All credit goes to HylianAngel @ gamefaqs and their fellow helpers mentioned in the “credits” tab.

A minor addition to the data: Some individual weapons are exempt from scaling up despite having “bonus” values in the game code, and that can mess up the data a bit. For example, Woodcutter’s Axes are actually programmed to scale up, recieve blue/white and then yellow bonuses, and eventually turn into Double Axes - but literally ALL of the Woodcutter’s Axes in the overworld are specifically exempt from scaling, and there are none inside treasure chests, so it is impossible to get them with yellow bonuses despite the game code saying otherwise. (They can randomly and VERY rarely get a blue bonus independendly from the scaling mechanic, but the chance of that happening is super low)

The spreadsheet already accounts for that and simply says “impossible” whenever this scenario applies (like for the Champion’s weapons, everything from the Akkala Tech Lab etc.) but there are also older guides that rely solely on the game code without taking into account whether or not those weapons are actually obtaineable in-game. That’s why the “Complete Official Guide” (which is neither complete nor official by the way) has a multiple pages long list of weapon bonuses that do not exist in the actual game.