• @Mateoto
    1231 year ago

    It’s perplexing how a nation that once liberated the world from fascism is now becoming fascist and triggering fascist movements worldwide.

    • @Got_Bent
      851 year ago

      Note that prior to getting involved in the war, there was substantial support for the Nazis among Americans. It’s always been there. It just got swept under the carpet for a few decades, though if you go back and look at the politics of the fifties, you’ll see mcarthyism and all sort of court cases on indecency and lots and lots of violence against homosexuals.

      I don’t think I spelled mcarthyism correctly. It’s early and I’m not inclined to bother spell checking.

      • gregorum
        1 year ago

        It should also be noted that Adolf Hitler based some of his ideology off of the proto-fascism of pre-Civil War America (and the deep racial inequalities which persisted afterwards), and praised it his book Mein Kamph.

        • ikiru
          131 year ago

          Yeah, I’m absolutely not perplexed by American fascism in the slightest.

        • @HipHoboHarold
          1 year ago

          I think we can also show we didn’t do what people think what we did when we look at things on a time line.

          WW2 ended in 1945.

          Emmett Till was murdered in 55. 10 years later. Ruby Bridges went to what was an all white school in 1960. That was 15 years later. The Civil Rights Act happened in 1964. 19 years later. The MOVE Bombing happened in 85. 40 years later.

          The Stonewall Riots happened in 69. 24 years later. The UpStairs Lounge Arson attack happened in 73. Which was 28 years later. Harvey Milk was assassinated in 78. 33 years later. The Shelby bookstore murders happened in 87. So 42 years after.

          We can sit here and list different events all day that happened after the war. We were the good guys off fighting evil, and those soldiers would totally hate the bigotry we see today… Except there’s a good chance that tbe vast majority of them weren’t any better. Even the black soldiers still weren’t allowed to fight with the white ones. We were fighting fascism over there while it was still happening over here.

    • @[email protected]
      211 year ago

      Stopping fascism wasn’t the point. After liberating the camps, they even threw the homosexuals right back in. (Source)

      They were just worried that the USSR was going to beat them to Berlin, and then keep going across the entirety of Europe. Likely a valid concern, to be fair.

    • OurTragicUniverse
      141 year ago

      a nation that once liberated the world from fascism

      It’s gross how USAins keep parroting this nationalistic bullshit about their role in ww2.

      You guys didn’t liberate anything by showing up late for the war, and you tried your damnedest to spread your abhorrent racism in every country you landed in.

      • @[email protected]
        141 year ago

        Yeah, nah. You had it right up until we didnt help liberate anything. France seemed pretty appreciative of our help then and now. Not arguing the “abhorrent racism” par it is true and we’re continually working on it. Generational issues don’t get solved overnight.

      • @[email protected]
        81 year ago

        As a person of Dutch descent who is alive today because US GIs liberated a concentration camp right before my grandmother starved to death, this is extremely offensive, and you can go fuck yourself with your puerile contrarianism.

        • OurTragicUniverse
          1 year ago

          Shutting down a few concentration camps is not ‘liberating the world from fascism’.

          My grandparents and their families were in the camps too, and most didn’t come out alive. I’m not detracting from the atrocities of ww2 by telling the American to stop spouting propaganda.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      While a romantic prose, I wouldn’t go saying they liberated the world of anything like that until it was almost too late.

      But when they finally did fight, fuck yeah, they fought.

    • @[email protected]
      01 year ago

      The US didn’t liberate the world from fascism, they didn’t even do much during WW2 except wait to be attacked by Japanese planes.

    • WuTang
      -31 year ago

      It’s perplexing how people once liberated from nazism act like nazi and get litterally a wild card.

      • @tomi000
        01 year ago

        Wtf are you talking about

  • Zeppo
    1 year ago

    I love it, objected to by “Moms for Liberty”. I guess that works in fascist land where words mean the opposite of what they are.
    And leave it to one of these bullshit ‘Liberty’ or ‘Patriot’ organizations to completely distract from the point that Anne Frank was a teenage girl growing up in an attic, hiding from an insanely hateful political group/police who wanted to kill her and her entire family.

    • @[email protected]
      241 year ago

      “Moms for Liberty” is a straight up hate group. Like, I’m not doing that hyperbole thing. They are racist bigot fascists dead set on white, straight supremacy.

      • @[email protected]
        -81 year ago

        No offense man, and I’m not an expert on this group, but the fact you chose to use so many buzz words tells me they probably aren’t all those things. Misguided maybe, but people will take you more seriously if you don’t use the hyperbole you claim to not use.

          • @[email protected]
            -61 year ago

            Meh I don’t care enough about a bunch of moms with their panties in a twist or you to do any research. But please don’t convince yourself you’re right because someone didn’t take the time to prove you wrong. It’s not like you presented any evidence yourself. Just buzz word accusations.

            • @[email protected]
              41 year ago

              For someone who isn’t an expert and doesn’t care, you sure seem to know something the rest of us don’t, and are real invested in making sure we know.

              • @[email protected]
                -51 year ago

                Of course you’re exaggerating now. I already said I don’t know much about them. When you drop a shit ton of buzz words, people will assume you’re using at least some hyperbole. But alright man, I’m sure they’re worst group on the planet. You were right and I’m wrong. I apologize.

            • Zeppo
              21 year ago

              What? It’s objectively true. Your method of “someone used extreme words on Lemmy therefore I don’t believe it” isn’t a very realistic research method.

        • @HipHoboHarold
          21 year ago

          One of their first group letters had a quote from Hitler on it. And it wasn’t like the old memes where they didn’t know. They credited it as from Hitler. They pit a Hitler quote on the front page. Let that sink in. We get insulted for calling people Nazis and racists, but they literally put a quote from Hitler on the front page.

    • BolexForSoup
      1 year ago

      I should build a special little bookshelf with books banned by moms for liberty just for my kids.

      Edit: talked to my SO, we’re going to do a Little Free Library of them

      • Zeppo
        11 year ago

        I doubt anyone will achieve the latter, but yes. These days the words Liberty and Patriot have been hijacked by regressive, reactionary religious fanatics.

    • @[email protected]
      171 year ago

      They’d fire every single teacher. These are Republicans - they don’t want kids getting good educations cause your average educated person doesn’t vote Republican

  • @tasty4skin
    471 year ago

    America’s pearl clutching around all sexual topics is so insane to me. 13 year olds are gonna think about their genitals and who they’re attracted to, so why is it that we have to treat the idea of sexuality as taboo? God forbid adolescents don’t feel shame for completely normal feelings

    • @[email protected]
      121 year ago

      I guess the long lasting cultural effects of antiquated abrahamic religion is the cause. But horrific violence? Meh no prob. Make war not love, I guess.

    • @scaredoftrumpwinning
      61 year ago

      It’s a way to keep the Christian nationalists to keep voting. True of all the culture crap keep Christ in Christmas and stuff like that. If they can’t keep the religious bigots voting then it will really go badly for the trumpy grumpies.

  • @[email protected]
    471 year ago

    The graphic novel, written by Ari Folman and illustrated by David Polonsky, adapts the diary of 13-year-old Anne Frank, who wrote while hiding in an annexe in Nazi-occupied Amsterdam. Eighth-grade students were reportedly shown a section of the graphic novel where Frank reflected on her own genitals and wanted to see a female friend’s breasts, according to KFDM.

    So basically exactly like all of the 13 yr olds in the class, who are probably taught at home how their body parts are shameful.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      Were they specifically shown just that part? Or was it part of reading the entire thing? I could see how the first scenario would be a bit odd and would like more context but if it’s just in the book they were reading then this article is kind of misleading.

      Also agree with you that this is totally normal thing for 8th graders to think about… the book was written by someone their own age for fucks sake.

      • @[email protected]
        111 year ago

        From an interview with David Polonsky, the illustrator:

        In illustrating those more sensitive pages, Polonsky says he took great care to make sure nothing was too explicit for young readers.

        Frank’s musings about vaginas are illustrated with a black and white swirl, inspired by painter Georgia O’Keefe’s famously vaginal flowers, he said. When Frank ponders female nudes, Polonsky draws her walking through a garden surrounded by Greek sculptures.

        “I took inspiration from Anne’s own world. She was really into Greek art and sculptures,” he said. “I decided to show the nudes through classical marble sculptures, which I believed six years ago would be a mainstream thing that wouldn’t be too controversial.”

        The illustrations from the book.

        Georgia O’Keefe’s famously vaginal flowers

        This book was out for six years before it became a “problem”. Real “someone think of the poor children” bullshit moral panic that is thinly disguising its fascism.

        • @[email protected]
          11 year ago

          That would have been my assumption but I always like to get as much detail about situations like this as possible in case something is being misrepresented to push a particular agenda. Looking at your links I have to agree with you.

          • @[email protected]
            41 year ago

            Without the illustrations to show that it’s age appropriate it’s easy for people to assume the worst.

  • @captainlezbian
    461 year ago

    “This book adapted explicitly from writings at the time doesn’t depict the Holocaust accurately” fucking batshit

    • @Ensign_Crab
      311 year ago

      Moms for Liberty are just mad that the book doesn’t portray the nazis as the good guys like their newsletter does.

      They never have a problem with Mein Kampf.

  • @[email protected]
    271 year ago

    The Dutch “Avondshow met Arjen Lubach” did a funny piece on this. A lot of people are laughing at the US, or it ultra-conservative parts at least, but it’s a bit sad that’s it’s so bad, to be honest.

  • Uranium3006
    241 year ago

    This is why I’ll never tolerate people saying I’m exaderating when I call them Nazis ever again

  • @[email protected]
    181 year ago

    If I wasn’t an American I would find the back and forth idiocy of Texas and Florida hilarious. I mean, one does some crazy stupid shit and they other says hold my beer.

  • Kalkaline
    171 year ago

    Heaven forbid we see the thoughts of a normal kid growing up in a war that she wouldn’t see the end of.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    LOL, tell me II have to check if a book is approve before talking about it and it and I will resign on spot. I’m dead serious. Conservatives seem to see in schools ans teachers the new enemy. Teaching is an already shitty under-paid job, I suggest they stop pushing against people who take care of their spoiled stupid kids 40 hours a week, unless they want to take care of education themself.

    • @[email protected]OP
      111 year ago

      unless they want to take care of education themself.

      Oh, they do. That’s part of the problem.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Eh, then it will eventually become a borderline daycare center for anyone who can’t pay for the serious education/indoctrination.

  • magnetosphere
    1 year ago

    I can’t imagine why anyone would want to teach in a red state (or county, etc.) The pay is shit, you always have to think twice before even alluding to an unpopular truth, and every day you risk becoming a headline.

    • @[email protected]
      91 year ago

      Because you are rooted there, you care about the people around you, and you want to improve things in your community. Not everyone is willing to just give up and leave their community to fascists.

  • @wokehobbit
    91 year ago

    I remember going to the Holocaust museum in 8th grade. How times have changed.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      My school had a “Holocaust” week when I was in 8th grade. They re-enacted separating out specific kids as “jews” (they were chosen at random not based off anything) and discriminated against them in various ways on the first day to give an idea of what it was like. We had no advanced warning this was going to happen we just came in one morning and all the teachers were in the gym pulling people out of their various groups secret police style and lining them up. I actually got in trouble for giving one of them a piece of candy later in the day. All our classes were put off that week and it was just learning about the holocaust in detail all day for the whole week and they did not pull any punches. I still remember some of the images they showed us to this day. At the end we had to do a presentation on ANOTHER genocide (I got Khemer Rouge) and go into detail on that one. Honestly it was one of the most educational experiences I ever had in school.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    Glad I read the article. She wasn’t fired for showing the book to hers students. She was fired for showing an unapproved book (which I then assume is not in the 8th grade curriculum) to her students. Teaching outside the curriculum is generally a big no no.

    The question should be, why is that book not approved? That’s a rhetorical question btw.