• @AllonzeeLV
      1 year ago

      Aside from the random 90s power rangers cameos, I didn’t have a problem with it. I liked how they gave the Tusken Raiders nuance, and no story would have been enough to satiate the decades of contradicting lore around Boba Fett.

      And you can’t beat them making part of Patton Oswald’s iconic star wars rant/filibuster canon.

      • SSTFM
        1 year ago

        Stuff I liked in BOBF: The Tusken Raider flashbacks and Boba’s spiritual journey. That could have been the whole show.

        I liked Cad Bane. I don’t really have an attachment to the cartoons, but I thought he was efficiently and effectively introduced into the show.

        Stuff I didn’t like: The mod gang. Low hanging fruit, but needed to be mentioned.

        I didn’t like how dreadfully boring the action sequences tended to be, especially the shootouts. Shootouts in shows between groups should have some goals each group is trying to achieve in order to be exciting. In BOBF the shootouts were so flat. They felt like that Naked Gun shootout.

        I didn’t enjoy the overly comical nature of so many side characters. Comedy in Star Wars is good, but extended scenes that feel like cosplayers doing improv are not. A lot of the new Star Wars content feels increasingly like watching cosplayers in a weird uncanny valley themepark of Star Wars. A setting that was once the example of a grungy and lived in setting now constantly has a layer of gloss varnish on everything.

        Boba Fett himself seemed like a big dummy. His plan at the end to split up his few people to just kind of stand around was confusing. Boba Fett never seemed much interested in actually doing crime as a crime lord. I get that he is being redeemed as an anti-hero, and thus Disney wants him not to be too dark, be he easily could have become the new canon version of Talon Karrde and brokered in information. Boba Fett would know a lot of dirt. In any case he seemed to have little agency or decision making as the boss. Even the choice to hire mercenaries was suggested to him.

        • Rhaedas
          271 year ago

          The series started out good as him literally being reborn as a new person via the Raiders way of life. Then it seemed to go into him seeking a retirement plan with passive income using the open spot Jabba left. That Mando’s cameo stole the show showed how dull it had become. I actually loved the idea of him injecting purpose into the vandals by hiring them, but did they have to be so campy? Jesus, I hadn’t thought of that spin-shot in a while…why?

            • RBG
              41 year ago

              It is burned into my head forever how ridiculous that looked. So many people have seen that scene before it aired and no one said enough to stop it from going out like this. Weird.

      • @CarbonatedPastaSauce
        121 year ago

        My comment was a bit tongue in cheek because it did have some good parts, but there was a lot of missed potential. The sand people part I actually liked a lot, it was something cool and new. The power rangers I could have maybe looked past even though it was ridiculous, if they hadn’t tried to turn Boba into some kind of noble gangster. You can’t be a good guy AND run a criminal empire on Tatooine, sorry. Star Wars can be really dark sometimes but they didn’t want to go dark here? Makes no sense.

      • @kameecoding
        81 year ago

        The worst part was the terrible action sequences and the lack of attention to detail, like the big ass droidekas not managing to kill anyone running in a straight line, just so bad, not to mention stuff like Boba’s back rocket reappearing magically for the final fight after being used a few scenes before. etc.

        just very stupid low quality stuff.

        the first 3 episodes that mostly had tuskens were the tits.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I couldn’t work out what I hated most about Book of Boba Fett until a character from the other series turned up and immediately sliced somebody in two.

      And then I was like “why is Boba Fett such a massive fanny all of a sudden?”

      Even Darth Vader had to tell the guy to chill the fuck out a bit.

  • @AdolfSchmitler
    571 year ago

    Only saw one other person mention it but in the EU/Legends they find Luke’s hand and use it to make an evil clone of Luke that’s named… Luuke. So this could’ve been a legit story with a meme headline lol.

      • @Son_of_dad
        201 year ago

        Fanboys like to talk about the extended universe like it was amazing. For every one good thing in it, there were a dozen turds including a Jedi R2 unit with force powers. I’m glad Disney killed it, and just like I figured, they’re taking the good bits and characters and adding them in anyways

        • R0cket_M00se
          31 year ago

          The problem is they killed it and are taking the worst parts to make the sequels, etc.

          • @Son_of_dad
            11 year ago

            I thought people liked thrawn, personally I never got the appeal

            • @KermitLeFrog
              21 year ago

              Thrawn wasn’t in the sequels at all tho, he only showed up in Rebels (which was definitely not taken seriously by Disney at all) and then after it was obvious ppl loved him they added him to more shows

        • @thrawn
          31 year ago

          Do you mean Skippy the Jedi Droid? I think that was mostly a joke about R5-D4 from New Hope crapping out and forcing the Skywalkers to buy R2 instead (thereby leading to the end of the Sith). It’s pretty tongue in cheek, he’s called Skippy

        • @Rakonat
          21 year ago

          Not enough upvotes on this post. EU was a sea of toxic filth with alarmingly small amount of competently written and good material in it, which once recognized as good had every other half rate writer trying to pin their next bad idea on it.

          • @Kiernian
            41 year ago

            EU was a sea of toxic filth with alarmingly small amount of competently written and good material in it, which once recognized as good had every other half rate writer trying to pin their next bad idea on it.

            I remember running across a D6 dice rolling table for generating the plot of the next Kevin J. Anderson book when I was looking for West End Games SW tabletop supplemental (or fan-created) stuff on Geocities.

            If the table had been juuuust a little more generic for things like “qualities possessed by big bad”, “motivations of antagonist”, “reason for melodramatic interlude”, and “type of mcguffin” it probably could have actually been used to generate future books.

            Owing partially to LucasArts restrictions, a LOT of the EU was pretty derivative/formulaic but most of us didn’t care because it was MORE STAR WARS in an era that hadn’t seen any for 15+ years.

        • @negativeyoda
          21 year ago

          I only read a couple of books, but I would have preferred the Sun Crusher over Starkiller Base in TFA

    • @Kiernian
      81 year ago

      they find Luke’s hand and use it to make an evil clone of Luke that’s named… Luuke

      And suddenly, completely unbidden, the name “Joruus C’Baoth” springs into my head.

      A quick look at wookieepedia shows me that he’s the dude who created the clone.

      I’m actually kinda shocked that I remember that from a single reading of the thrawn trilogy back in the 90’s.

    • @[email protected]
      61 year ago

      If adding u make it evil does adding e make it good? So if we take luuke hand and make a good clone with it and name it luukee does it just becomes a regular luke because it has the same length of u and e?

        • @xX_fnord_Xx
          1 year ago

          And, always lurking in the shadows is the sith Lord Luuuuke.

        • rhsJack
          21 year ago

          Torn between two sides…becoming evilerer than before but there is still good in him. I mean, gooder than the original good in him. So he would need a u and an e to compensate for this evilerer and gooder on top of all that. Luuukee. Maybe? I sense a clone squad. But just of hands.

    • Norgur
      81 year ago

      Me too. Was certain it was one of those TheOnion-like things…doesn’t look that way though.

      • Brawler Yukon
        311 year ago

        doesn’t look that way though.

        That’s exactly what it is, though. It’s satire, and tells you as much right in the first paragraph of the “About” page:

        Hard Drive is a very real video games news site that you should not question. Just absorb the information as truth and move on. JK it’s satire don’t ban us.

  • Queen HawlSera
    271 year ago

    They joke but they already did a comic about his hand being some magic gateway to Exegol and empowering tbe Emperor

    • @histy
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • Silverseren
      61 year ago

      I still remember the extended universe book about one of Vader’s gloves infecting the wearer and taking over their body.

      • Queen HawlSera
        71 year ago

        I still laugh anytime someone tries to tell me how the expanded universe was just amazing and brilliant, and how the sequel Trilogy was a complete insult to it.

        “The expanded universe would never bring back Sidious or have a girl like Leia be a Jedi!!11”

        I will however admit that the extended Universe would never have made Boba Fett look like the world’s most naive and unassuming Grandpa.

      • @Odo
        11 year ago

        So like Ocelot in Metal Gear Solid? (Until they retconned it, anyway.)

  • @[email protected]
    261 year ago

    Coming next fall to Disney+, Owen: A Moisture Farmer’s Tale.

    Although frankly it still can’t be as bad as Obi-Wan Kenobi.

    Just get Star Wars away from Jedi and the entire extended Skywalker family. Just never fucking mention any of them ever again. In fact, just get all the rest of the cast of Narcos in, and make fuckin’ Narcos in Space. Narcos is the key to good Star Wars.

    • @[email protected]
      71 year ago

      That is what I don’t get you have a whole galaxy and infinite timeline to choose stories. But for some reason they all have to be tied to the skywalkers.

      • @[email protected]
        41 year ago

        I only watched it once, but I think I’d enjoy it more if I just pretended the main character is not supposed to be Han Solo.

        • @[email protected]
          51 year ago

          The biggest problem with it is the character they chose was supposed to be a bad guy at the time which they can’t do because it’s Disney so changing the character would work

          There are other issues but for a Star Wars it would be fine

        • @chiliedogg
          41 year ago

          That’s exactly what it should have been. Change a few names and it’s fine.

    • Echo Dot
      1 year ago

      Or if they have to stick with the Jedi then do bloody Nights Of The bloody Old bloody Republic bloody already. Seriously it’s like the one good Star wars story that still left to be told, and they just ignore it like it’s not there. There’s enough content there for right to go on for about 25 years.

    • @ChewTiger
      11 year ago

      I’m fine with them just going into new territory regarding the timeline. I just don’t want to see shows rehashing events that have already been exhaustively covered.

      I want to see the universe move forward, I’m sick of looking into the past.

  • @doktorseven
    241 year ago

    So who will they get for the main character? In other words, who gets the hand job?

    • rhsJack
      61 year ago

      The beauty is the actor simply has to play a disembodied hand…ergo, a hand job that feels like it’s from someone else. I call it The Stranger. I can feel the force tugging at me.

  • @Delusional
    191 year ago

    Obviously the doctor picks it up and uses it during regeneration to turn into a Jedi.

  • @Arthur_Leywin
    181 year ago

    I was 100% ready for a decapitated hand as a protagonist to a 7 episode show. The story of a hand trying to make it’s way back to it’s master through the ways of The Force. Then realizing it can make a family with other decapitated hands and that it doesn’t have to be bound by it’s place if origin. The more I think about it, the more I want it.

  • @AllonzeeLV
    1 year ago

    Just another soulless cash grab that won’t have the creative fortitude to delve into the hand’s dream to play Kloo horn at the Galaxies Opera House.

    • Norgur
      21 year ago

      Kloo horn is super funny to me as German. Klo means loo in German, so he’s playing a toilet… horn?

      • @AllonzeeLV
        1 year ago

        I’m sure the name was made by some authorized Star Wars dictionary author well after it appeared on screen.

    • Flying SquidOP
      51 year ago

      Personally, I’m waiting for the Spinal Tap-like movie about Max Reebo and his band.

  • @kersk
    121 year ago

    Show shoulda been called Cool Hand, Luke