How is it possible to put 60 hours in to a game I have so many problems with?

  • @MyDearWatson616
    91 year ago

    I didn’t know Bethesda was working on a new game until it popped up on game pass. So going into it with zero expectations and no extra money spent, I’m enjoying it greatly. I haven’t had any major bugs besides the occasional NPC standing on a chair.

    I’m just saying that the reason people are putting so much time into this game they claim to not even like is because at its core, it’s a fun game.

    • @ToneswirlyOP
      21 year ago

      To be clear: I don’t dislike the game, but I do have many, many complaints. It’s a $70 game after all, we SHOULD expect great things.

      • DarkThoughts
        -21 year ago

        I’m sorry but of all issues the game might have, this is such a nitpicky example that I wouldn’t even bother spending another thought about it.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    Yeah a few of these dialogue options make me wonder why they even bothered to have the player make a choice. I saved the game last night before a random sidequest where I decide whether to interact with a sentient AI and my options boil down to “Sure, I’ll do it”, “I don’t like it but I guess I will” and “I don’t have any choice so I will.”

    • @Red_October
      31 year ago

      I’m pretty sure I know exactly the interaction you’re talking about and both times I’ve met them I chose not to do it.

      • @PDFuego
        31 year ago

        If it’s the thing I stumbled into yesterday then not only can you choose not to do it, if you’re part of a certain faction you can refuse in a way that lets everyone walk away happy without starting any fights. 3 completely different outcomes affected by faction relations sounds pretty good to me.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I have noticed their replies seem to remember what I’ve said so it’s not totally identical dialogue when they reply but the quest is the same either way you do it maybe

  • @PDFuego
    51 year ago

    How do you feel and what do you think are pretty much opposite questions though, one’s asking for a reaction and one’s asking for analysis. So far in my experience the game has been pretty good about different dialogue options, I’ve reloaded a bunch of conversations to explore the directions they can take, it’s not like say Pokemon where you always have 2 choices and they always lead to the same line of dialogue that addresses both.