• Blackbeard
    231 year ago

    Sometimes it helps to reflect on the fact that this is what passes for journalism nowadays. We are a nation of clickbait whores.

    • @[email protected]
      131 year ago

      HuffPost has gone from reprocessing comments on Twitter to now just reprocessing comments by MSNBC and late-night TV hosts.

      And, here we are, lips attached at the end of the media centipede.

  • worldwidewave
    81 year ago

    “He’s continuing to drive his car off the cliff. He leaves his lawyers in a no-win position. And then after it’s over, he’ll probably call for the execution of the judge like he called for the execution of [newly retired former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark] Milley. It is a zero-sum game, and it’s a game he loses every time.”

    Either you’re a sycophant or a traitor in this toddler’s mind.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      1 year ago

      It is a zero-sum game, and it’s a game he loses every time.”

      I disagree with that part.

      • He has a nigh-insurmountable lead against the rest of the GOP field.
      • He has turned his legal woes into a successful fundraising drive, turning things like his mugshot into merchandise that he sells and profits off of.
      • Indictments that people thought would be the straw that finally broke the camel’s back have done nothing but increase his poll numbers.
      • A non-zero number of people now believe that Hunter and Joe Biden were involved in at least some kind of corrupt activity due to Trump’s repeated accusations despite scant evidence to show that crimes even took place, negatively affecting Biden’s poll numbers.
      • He continues to release a firehose of violent threats against the judges and prosecutors in his cases, while the judges continue to toothlessly threaten him with punitive action that none of them seems willing to actually take.
      • Multiple records show that numerous Senators refused to vote to convict Trump in either of his impeachment trials not because of party ideology, but because they were (legitimately) concerned for the safety of themselves and their families due to threats either made openly or behind the scenes.
      • He continues to get daily, free publicity from every major news source that still insist on giving a disproportionate amount of time to cover every thing he says and posts on his dime-store-twitter-knock-off.
      • Despite making threats on the daily for months on end that would have had anyone else shipped off to a federal Supermax, no judge or prosecutor seems all that interested in stopping him, largely out of fear of violence.
      • He has all but directly killed the careers of several people working for him, such as Liz Cheney, causing the entire GOP party to march in lockstep behind him or risk political suicide.

      He “wins” a lot of those battles, in that he ends up getting what he wants by hook or by crook. He may lose every time in the courtroom, but those losses often amount to a fine that would barely qualify as a rounding error on his taxes that have little to no impact on his business or political career. He has never truly suffered a “loss” that has had any significant impact on his political or financial position, and has been very successful in getting the GOP to fall in line, even if he’s had to use threats of violence to do so.

  • Binthinkin
    01 year ago

    The elites of America fucked up the world and now we gotta deal with it.

    Enforce old law, make new laws if you have to and eviscerate the elites.