I was making good progress until I got to the golden Lasso of Truth lol! It’s going well so far, but this part may take as long by itself as the rest of the pattern! What have you guys been up to?

  • Io Sapsai 🌱M
    81 year ago

    That Wonder Woman is looking amazing! It’s not a race so take as long as you need for the Lasso. People work on WIPs for decades!

    I managed to get a couple of hundred stitches this week. Prof. Carver is looking more like a human now. I’m on sick leave (nothing serious, just a cold) followed by a week of planned paid leave… so I’ll have free time to catch up!

    My progress is slower than usual this week. I’ve been trying to crochet a pair of wrist warmers which held me back a bit… I spent two days and made a lot of mistakes only to realise I’m 10g short of the yarn…which is discontinued. So I had to frog the whole thing, start over, and improvise with a different colour from the exact same yarn, at least for the wrist part which is hidden. Fun times! At least I almost finished another Discworld audiobook.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      31 year ago

      The professor definitely looks better now, although I liked him as a mischievous spirit person too lol! I hope you feel better soon!

    • @[email protected]M
      31 year ago

      Hope the cold clears off in time for you to enjoy the actual leave! And I agree he had a certain something when he looked like an eldritch being from The Beyond, but I suppose this is cool too. The shading in this whole pattern is really good I have to say.

  • @frickineh
    1 year ago

    I’ve finished a couple of things recently, and now I’m sort of on pause until after Halloween because I have roughly 87 more hours of hand sewing to do for my stupid costume. I never did move the s in fuckers because I realized I’d have to unstitch about half the word and I just…wasn’t gonna do that. The second thing is based on the last 2 panels of this comic that someone posted and I said, “oh I have to do it!” I did realize after taking the picture that I never finished the eye, so I’ll have to do that, but I think the rest is done.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      11 year ago

      They both look really good! I definitely want to read more of that webcomic lol I don’t think I would have noticed the spacing issue if it wasn’t pointed out to me

      • @frickineh
        21 year ago

        I sort of figured it wasn’t noticeable enough to bother, especially since the only people seeing it in person will be me and my mom.

        • @[email protected]M
          11 year ago

          100%, looks totally fine and ESPECIALLY if it would’ve been a lot of frogging, bugger that. Love the little bird comic, I saw that get posted somewhere here recently too it’s so cute!

  • @shalafi
    61 year ago

    This is so damned good, I’m tempted to start a new hobby.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      41 year ago

      Thanks! I got this pattern from Etsy and they have tons of awesome patterns that are mostly $5-6 or less! The supplies are pretty inexpensive too, I got all my supplies at Michaels and spent around $25 and I’m still using up most of it. I just started cross stitching this year and it’s become my favorite hobby/obsession lol

    • Io Sapsai 🌱M
      41 year ago

      Go for it! It was life changing for me, as a person who has a hard time meditating.

    • @letter_d
      31 year ago

      Come on in the water’s fine.

  • @[email protected]M
    51 year ago

    You just want to be grateful it’s not metallic thread! 😅

    I’ve managed progress on two whole things this week. Ocean Wonder has a somewhat creepy octopus missing half his tentacles and also his face:

    And the Steampunk World Map is looking decidedly “without NZ” but I swear I know it exists, the pattern has it on, it’s just coincidence that this was my last stopping point 😆

    • Io Sapsai 🌱M
      31 year ago

      There is a world statistics website that jumped on the meme about NZ always missing from maps so they took it to the next level and started placing it on random spots like west of Australia.

      • @[email protected]M
        31 year ago

        Reminds me of when people make maps about Eurovision statistics, and obviously it’s focused on the general Europe area, but then they just stick Australia in the sea wherever it’ll fit 😆

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      21 year ago

      It all looks amazing so far! I didn’t even think to use metallic thread! Is that really tricky to work with?

      • @letter_d
        31 year ago

        If it’s anything like glow in the dark …

        • @[email protected]M
          31 year ago

          It’s so much worse than glow in the dark! Apparently it’s not so evil if you use thread conditioner though, or so I’m told, no way I’m trying it again any time soon to find out.

            • @MrJameGumbOP
              21 year ago

              Wait I just bought some glow in the dark thread, what’s so bad about it?

              • @letter_d
                31 year ago

                I wouldn’t say there’s anything bad about it per se, it’s just kinda frustrating to work with. Cut it off shorter than you probably would a normal thread type as this stuff loves to fray/unravel. It gets real poofy real quick when you’re stitching with it. I also found the stuff I was using to feel … odd. Almost like twine or something. Just kind of rough in texture. I was glad I didn’t have to use a lot of it, although there are a couple other patterns I’ve got my eye on that use it pretty cleverly. I would use it again, but only for a pattern I really love. Or if it was minimal in use. And there are apparently several different types. Some are more plastic-y in nature. Some may glow better than others. It’s just an odd duck.

                • @MrJameGumbOP
                  21 year ago

                  I just looked at the one I got and you’re right it is kind of stiff compared to the regular floss, like almost a plasticy feeling. I haven’t decided what to use it for yet, but thanks for the heads up!

  • @letter_d
    31 year ago

    Missed updating last week. Life has gotten in the way of things lately. I finished the one color and started on the rest of the ground. Hoping to get back into a groove but we’re not quite out of the woods here yet.

    • @MrJameGumbOP
      21 year ago

      Looks like you’re making great progress! I’m jealous of your Cthulhu needle minder lol

      • @letter_d
        21 year ago

        Thanks! I love that wee beastie! (Seriously I’m a little embarrassed by how much joy that thing brings me. And it really is handy)

        • @TeaHands
          31 year ago

          It’s so cute! I think we can all relate to the disproportionate joy of a good needle minder 😄

        • @MrJameGumbOP
          21 year ago

          I completely understand lol! Right now my “needle minder” is actually just two magnets that came out of a broken knife sharpener, I really need to get something better but they have almost nothing at the stores around here

          • @letter_d
            21 year ago

            Did you pick up a snap frame?

            • @MrJameGumbOP
              21 year ago

              Not yet 😞 The big store only had some very dodgy looking cheapo ones, and the small store had none at all, so I’ll probably have to order one on Amazon