A Colorado officer has been found guilty in the death of Elijah McClain, who was pinned down before a medic injected him with ketamine and he died.

A jury unanimously convicted officer Randy Roedema of criminally negligent homicide and third-degree assault.

Another officer, Jason Rosenblatt, facing the same charges was acquitted.

  • norbert
    1 year ago

    “three Aurora Police officers confronted McClain after responding to a call by an Aurora civilian about an unarmed person wearing a ski mask that looked ‘sketchy’”

    “…all said that their body cameras were knocked off during a struggle with McClain. McClain was forcibly held to the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back, after which Woodyard twice applied a choke hold. Upon arrival paramedics administered ketamine, later determined to be in excess of a therapeutic dosage, to McClain to sedate him. While on scene McClain went into cardiac arrest. Three days after arriving at the hospital, he was declared brain dead, and was removed from life support on August 30.”

    Cops saw a guy in a mask and decided to fuck with him. The vegetarian massage therapist, Elijah was obviously a danger to society. When he didn’t respond a way they thought he should they (presumably turned their cameras off) and roughed him up. Eventually paradmedics arrive and shot him up with a fatal dose of K. Straight up state-sanctioned murder, all these fucks need to be charged, make examples of them all.