• @agent_flounder
    8011 months ago

    Dude is a right wing psychochristian

    David Barton has built an entire career out of misusing, misrepresenting, and outright falsifying history, the Bible, and current events and doing so to promote his Christian nationalist political agenda. He has been highly influential not only within Republican politics, where he has many fans among current and former GOP legislators, but also internationally. On top of that, Barton’s Christian nationalist pseudo-history is shaping both Christian and secular educational institutions across the country.

  • @notannpc
    2211 months ago

    That’s way too many words to say “Mike Johnson is a piece of shit”.

  • BeautifulMind ♾️
    1611 months ago

    It means that the speaker is a seven-mountains dominionist, his program is to subordinate all spheres of life to the church (his church, not your church).

    Barton is a professional liar whose career involves re-writing history to advance claims that (for example) the founders of the USA intended his particular sect to rule, so it’s only proper that you should hand secular control of everything that matters to preachers of a modern sect the framers never heard of, whose primary skill set is gaslighting and lying

    The game is totalitarian, fundamentalist rule of every aspect of life.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    511 months ago

    The Democrats need to run a damn good campaign against his views and make him the face of their party, along with little d.

    The so-called “moderates” in that party are not a thing.

  • @afraid_of_zombies
    211 months ago

    Doesn’t even register with me anymore. I went to the fuck store and they were all out of fucks.

  • @Octavio
    111 months ago

    It means, for one thing, that Democrats really screwed up big by going with Gaetz’s plan to oust the previous speaker, who was all kinds of awful, but nothing compared to this guy.