Neo-Nazis are showing up at protests in an attempt to push anti-Jewish conspiracy theories and tropes into the mainstream.

  • @[email protected]
    7511 months ago

    If anyone thinks this is a unique situation - this has happened so many times. The easiest example is the Nazis, or the “national socialists” because socialism was popular back then so they used the term despite starting with killing union workers and leftists.

    Vincent Bevins talks in depth about this in his book If We Burn, where he discusses why (certain) protests fail by going through real life examples of movements that were hijacked by right wing extremists. This is not new or novel, this is going by the playbook on how to fight against movements that ask for justice, peace, more democracy, economic equality, and so forth.

    • @[email protected]
      11 months ago

      Well, the Nazis didn’t just randomly co-opt that term, they were the result of a merger of two different political parties, one far right and the other far right but with some ✨ socialist characteristics ✨ (if you’re ethnically German). On the Night of the Long Knives, all of the socialist-leaning elements of the new NSDAP were murdered in cold blood by the SS.

  • @[email protected]
    3511 months ago

    Neo-nazis and far right wingnuts have 2 brain cells, and if any one of those scumbags could see beyond their noses they’d know they’re too stupid to have any power.

    Proof comes from watching the GOP flush America down the toilet.

    • Nougat
      5211 months ago

      … too stupid to have any power.

      The American Fascist Party controls the House of Representatives. Their criminal Dear Leader is going to get the nomination to be their candidate for President. And if he doesn’t win, they will respond with violence.

        • @masquenox
          1211 months ago

          They were a bit lackluster on Jan 6th but perhaps they learned something there.

          They weren’t “lackluster” on Jan 6th - they simply treated that white supremacist lynch mob the way the US has always treated white supremacist lynch mobs… with kid gloves.

        • @Wakmrow
          111 months ago

          Um. They absolutely did but not what you wish they did.

    • @grue
      2211 months ago

      they’re too stupid to have any power.

      This is the kind of naive bullshit that keeps people complacent until they suddenly find themselves being marched off to the showers.

      They are not stupid; they are an existential threat. Quit underestimating them!

      • @masquenox
        811 months ago

        They are not stupid; they are an existential threat. Quit underestimating them!

        Actually, the person you are responding to is correct - the far-right is too incompetent to gain power on their own. Power has to be handed to them by liberal regimes that can’t handle working-class revolt without the indiscriminate violence the far-right offers. That is why states always treat the far-right with kid gloves and allows it to fester - the ruling elites know that they might need them someday.

          • BeautifulMind ♾️
            411 months ago

            it’s the “liberals” who are the real enemy

            Maybe a simpler way of explaining that is that it always boils down to this; when forced to choose between supporting leftist/prog politics and fascism, it’s the status-quo liberals that consistently choose fascism out of fear that anything lefty/social-justicey would be too disruptive

          • @masquenox
            111 months ago

            I’m afraid they are - and always have been.

            The only thing that makes fascism possible is liberals “reaching across the aisle.”

            • @[email protected]
              511 months ago

              Call it pedantry if you want, but the fascists themselves are what truly “makes fascism possible”.

              Yes, there are plenty of folks have culpability in allowing these fucks gain control, from short-sighted collaborators who just want profit, idiots who think “they can’t really be that bad”, but there’s an extent to which I think we should be careful about victim-blaming well-meaning (but naive) folks who believe that Liberty and Justice will win the day (being misled by whitewashed historical narratives who erase the boots on the ground required to make social and political changes - and the organization necessary to resist the rise of fascists).

              I get your point, and clearly (from the paragraph I just typed) agree to an extent - I just think it’s reductive to the point of undermining the movements against fascism when “liberals” all get thrown in the same basket.

              • @masquenox
                611 months ago

                Your analysis is almost there… but it’s missing something crucial - it’s missing an understanding of what the status quo actually is.

                The people who are truly culpable for fascists existing are the people who need fascists to exist. Just look at the proto-fascist institution you are most familiar with - the police. The police did not invent itself - it was invented by a ruling elite that required the violence only a fascist element could provide. Fascism is not some aberration of the classical liberal nation-state - it’s an inherent feature.

                When those who benefit from the status quo is threatened by revolt from below it is this fascist element that will provide the violence that secures the safety of their power and privilege - in fact, sometimes they will literally hand the reigns of the state over to this fascist element (as happened in mid-20th century Germany, Italy and Japan). And it never happens without the acquiescence of the (so-called) moderates, centrists and, of course, liberals.

                We can hate fascists as much as we want… but fascists did not breed themselves, school themselves in the most depraved forms of violence and then let themselves off the leash.

                • @[email protected]
                  511 months ago

                  We don’t disagree: there’s a short-sightedness that causes folks to say things like “once the boomers die out, things will be great”. There are systemic issues that gauze the greed and fear and violence, and the folks that get swept up in these movements are in large part products of their environment, as we all are.

                  So we need to change the environment, but otherwise well-meaning folks don’t want it to change because they benefit from it, even when they are vaguely aware that there are monsters out there that keep it that way. I’d like to think there’s more liberals/moderates who would be allies against fascism if this kind of thing can be communicated in a way that doesn’t alienate folks, but I’m also sympathetic to arguments that fiery language is necessary to rattle people out of comfort zones… So in sum, thanks for the good discussion.

        • @grue
          411 months ago

          …good point, actually.

    • BabyWah
      11 months ago

      They were too stupid, especially in Europe they would get so much backlash they just went back to their basements.

      But over the years, they got smarter, more eloquent in how they discreetly were racist, not only against Jews, but also Muslims, Africans, Southeast Asians, everyone that’s different to be honest. The latest study shows 26% of Belgium is racist.

      The news also plays into that, by giving up the DESCENT of a perpetrator, instead of his/her Belgian ID. Mostly for crimes not terrorism related. Day in day out, this black man hit his wife, this Turkish guy did that, …

      They never call them Belgians. If the perpetrator is a brown man born and raised here, his parents were born and raised here, but one of his grandfathers was from Morocco, Turkey, etc… They still describe him like ‘a 23 year old Belgian man of Moroccon DESCENT…’ this fed into it. Every time I saw this happen, I wrote to said paper to stop doing that, unless it involves a terrorist attack against a church, mosque, Jewish temple, café, etc… Even then, if they have a Belgian ID, they should still be described as Belgian guy with ideological differences…

      Any news about Muslim girls harassed, assaulted, gangraped by Nazis was en still is getting downplayed and we’re made out to be liars. It won’t see the press. It still happens to this day.

      Also, the latest I’ve seen is them discussing on certain forums whether it would be better for the ‘protection’ of Muslims (to start with) if they would put them in concentration camps? This one made me sick and I’m letting all my Belgian friends know that this is going on and fortunately everyone was outraged. But also, they have their heads in their asses, they even don’t follow the news, because they can’t do anything about it.

      But someone has to know and do something. I’m thinking about compiling a list of all the forums i’ve seen this talked about and send them to every press agency, every community leader, also our new immigrant centers where there are a lot of young people, so they know not to engage and/or associate with these people and be educated against Nazi’s.

    • @xkforce
      511 months ago

      I wonder what rock youve been living under that the far right doesnt hold any power.

        • @TallonMetroid
          11 months ago

          “Deserve” might have been a better word choice, even if it ascribes a moral imperative that doesn’t quite work either.

        • DreamerofDays
          111 months ago

          It’s a thin distinction, and I don’t know that I would use that exact phrasing, but I get it…. And I also get why it didn’t get read the way you intended.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      Most of them are too stupid to hold power, but there are enough smart but evil ones that it doesn’t matter much.

  • @[email protected]
    1811 months ago

    I think it would be a good look to balance pro-Palestine demonstrations with anti-Nazi symbolism.

    Would be funny to watch ‘journalists’ report on the Nazis in a protest when there are more people with anti-Nazi gear.

      • @masquenox
        611 months ago

        Couldn’t they just report that Nazis and anti-Nazis are pro-Palestine?

        Didn’t you read this part?

        “Nine out of ten of them would probably happily commit a hate crime against anyone [at the pro-Palestine protest].”

        • @[email protected]
          011 months ago

          I’m not sure what would be weird about it if it was what literally happening. How would you report it?

    • @clearleaf
      111 months ago

      All they need is one guy with a nazi flag and they can say everyone there is complicit. And they can bring their own nazi to model for them.

  • @merthyr1831
    1111 months ago

    Palestinians, antizionists, and their allies are some of the best prepared to counter antisemitic infiltration.

    Having to build a movement that has to tiptoe around an opponent who will use every minor mistake or misunderstanding to conflate you with a Nazi (see Greta Thunberg’s octopus plushie drama) really gives you a crash course on Judaism and antisemitic tropes.

    Plus, one of the most popular fronts within Antizionism are the Jewish anti-zionists! I’ve learned more about the history of Judaism, the shoah, and the legacy of Jewish resistance to apartheid thanks to antizionists that is have never learned otherwise.

  • @[email protected]
    1111 months ago

    It is kind of funny to see the nazis who hate muslims more than jews and those who hate jews more than muslims go against each other

    • @S_204
      511 months ago

      As a Jew…none of this is funny.

      There was a hate crime down the street from me, a young girl was followed home from a peace rally and her house was shot up.

      This shit needs to stop. Islamophobia and Anti Semitism should not and cannot be tolerated as an outgrowth of this war.

  • @[email protected]
    1011 months ago

    Unfortunately, it’s already working on people susceptible to that sort of broad, hateful messaging. Eerie to see how easily people are taken over and recruited into the same sort of things that happened up to, during, and after Kristallnacht. And it’s working worldwide. It’s scary to see young people, even 21 year olds, getting arrested for posting threats that they will murder all their Jewish classmates at college. 5:33 in the news:

    People are extremely vulnerable to it, especially without a strong grasp of world history.

  • @TheJims
    311 months ago

    Trumps “very fine people”

  • @skhayfa
    11 months ago

    Too many brown, jews and leftist people in Palestinian protests. They won’t like it there.

    • @Fondots
      1911 months ago

      The thing about Nazis (and other flavors of racist shitbags if anyone wants to play the “well akshually they’re not Nazis, theyre…” game) is they don’t care, they’ll pretend to be reasonable, break bread with their enemies, etc. as long as it’s convenient for them. But they don’t view those others as being equal human beings, so once they’ve accomplished whatever they set out to do, they’ll turn on them as soon as they think they have the upper hand without a moment’s hesitation.

      That’s the Nazi playbook and always has been. You can see it happen in WWII, you can see it in the lunatic fringe taking over the Republican party over the last century or so, it’s how these types operate.

      They’ll happily throw their lot in with whoever is convenient to their cause in the moment, why should they care? They’re just planning on turning on them down the road anyway, hell, it probably even gets them a better look at how these temporary allies/future targets for extermination operate and gets them in closer for when they eventually make their move against them.

  • PatFusty
    -1511 months ago

    Its almost like the far right and the pro palestine people share certain things in common.

    • @[email protected]
      1011 months ago

      Like what?

      Pro Palestine people want Palestinian people to be freed from oppression. It doesn’t matter that the people currently oppressing them (most directly anyway) are Jews, it just matters that they are the oppressors.

      The far-right (the ones being discussed here anyway that are going to these events and spewing antisemitic crap) hate Jews because they’re Jews. On a different day I’m sure they’d be saying horrible shit about Arabs too.

      So, they might have “I don’t like Netanyahu” in common, but that doesn’t really warrant a loaded statement like “It’s almost like the far right and the pro palestine people share certain things in common” now does it

      • @[email protected]
        511 months ago

        On a different day I’m sure they’d be saying horrible shit about Arabs too.

        Hell they’ll start saying it a few sentences later

    • @masquenox
      811 months ago

      It’s almost like they don’t - that’s why it was worth writing an article about, eh?

    • @S_204
      -111 months ago

      When you consider the goals of both are to control the population, especially the female population it makes sense.

      The gop and Hamas ain’t all that different. They want to dictate what you learn in school, what you’re allowed to wear, who you’re allowed to love and what you do with your own body. They just pray to different ghosts that both happen to be cheap Chinese knock offs of the people they both hate but for different reasons.

      Two sides of the same shit coin Ricky.

            • @Fondots
              511 months ago

              The only question is if our intended outcomes actually align at all.

              I can answer that question for you- They don’t.

                • @Fondots
                  211 months ago

                  When they do, that means your goals include extermination, segregation, and subjugation of different races

                  In which case, you’re not allying yourself with Nazis, you are a Nazi.

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          You know Nazis also despise the left and would do anything to put you in camps if they could. They are not allies. You are falling in the exact trap described by this article, trying to attract leftists on the few subjects they appear to have in common to make the Nazis appear normal or even allies.