• @[email protected]
    10211 months ago

    I mean, it’s not

    It’s piracy, a different crime

    A crime I love committing babyyyyyyyyyy

    • sverit
      1211 months ago

      Yeah, when you steal something from someone then he does not have it anymore. With indefinitely replicable virtual goods that is not the case.

        • subversive_dev
          11 months ago

          … therefore we need to build and violently enforce a legal regime to ensure that content profiteers can extract 100% profit from every transaction?

          • @veni_vedi_veni
            10 months ago

            I don’t make the rules. Blame shareholder fiduciary responsibilities or the spineless politicians. Corporations are gonna corporate

            • subversive_dev
              210 months ago

              By that logic you can’t blame the politicians because they got bribed, and you can’t blame the citizens because of corporate propaganda and voila! No one has moral responsibility for anything

              • @veni_vedi_veni
                110 months ago

                Politicians’ fiduciaries are their constituents though, so they are the failure there though if they allow corporations to get away with long term harm

                • subversive_dev
                  210 months ago

                  I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for some abstract shame or morality to guide politicians’ actions when all the systemic incentives point in the other direction

  • arthurpizza
    8311 months ago

    If I steal your bicycle
    you have to take the bus,
    but if I just copy it
    there’s one for each of us!

    • @Willer
      2811 months ago

      im a bicycle store owner and this is so true

      • kase
        3111 months ago

        I like to think this implies that people are coming into your store and cloning the bicycles

          • Queen HawlSera
            11 months ago

            I absolutely would.

            Call me Missingno. Cuz I would have 99 of them shits

          • @pirat
            411 months ago

            It’s probably possible nowadays!

          • kase
            211 months ago

            No, but I would steal a car (and then trade it for a bicycle) (I can’t drive lmao)

    • @lugal
      711 months ago

      And if I do neither, I have to take the bus

        • kase
          311 months ago

          Normal busses are pretty big, so big bus must be very big

          • @pirat
            211 months ago

            Is that the Universal Serial Bus?

            • kase
              211 months ago

              No actually, that one’s quite small

              • @pirat
                210 months ago

                How small are we talking? Mini? Micro?

    • redfellow
      -611 months ago

      But the creator can’t afford a bike now that you copied instead of buying. So kinda bad analogy.

      I pirate because it’s more convenience than having 10+ separate streaming apps, but I also don’t pretend that the monetary losses from piracy don’t trickle down.

      I just don’t care. Offer me a good service please, and I’ll pay.

      • @alekwithak
        911 months ago

        You can support creative people directly. Acting like the money paid to Netflix is trickling down to them is laughable.

        • @Syrc
          511 months ago

          Sometimes it’s really hard to do that though. Like, with most Japanese animation studios you can only buy cels from their site, it’s often all in Japanese and some studios don’t even have that.

          Between marketing, producers, distribution and everything it’s become pretty damn hard to actually give the money to who you want.

        • redfellow
          11 months ago

          It does. The streaming services won’t order more seasons etc if ratings are shit. That new season is lots of money for the people working, from set hands to camera men, writers etc.

          That said, I’ve not subscribed to any service since 2013 because none works like, say, Spotify.

          • @dragonflyteaparty
            611 months ago

            Netflix, in particular, won’t order more seasons if the show didn’t get them more users. They don’t care about popularity itself. The shows are supposed to get more people to subscribe. Which is stupid. I’ve honestly never heard of anyone subbing to Netflix for one show.

            • redfellow
              311 months ago

              Exactly what I’m talking about, but some people don’t realize the thing that if everyone pirates, the services stop spending money.

              But it’s their responsibility to make the service enticing

          • @alekwithak
            111 months ago

            Streaming services notoriously won’t order more seasons of shows that are popular, either. More seasons are more expensive than new shows.

  • Queen HawlSera
    5911 months ago

    If I steal food from the store, I’m both robbing the store, and a community that would have paid good money for that food.

    If I go to the store and magically have the items on the shelves be duplicated into my cart, and I don’t have to pay for them. That is not a crime that is a miracle

    • @WhiskyTangoFoxtrot
      2711 months ago

      ‘I wonder who this ship belongs to anyway,’ said Arthur.

      ‘Me,’ said Zaphod.

      ‘No. Who it really belongs to.’

      ‘Really me,’ insisted Zaphod. ‘Look, property is theft, right? Therefore theft is property. Therefore this ship is mine, okay?’

      • @rustyredox
        411 months ago

        Just a few days ago I was re-reading the Restaurant at the end of the universe, and was going to try and look up this quote before reading the comments. I’ve really got to get around to reading the rest of the books by Douglas Adams, as I loved his hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy series.

      • credit crazy
        311 months ago

        The thing I love about zephod is that he was basically the “it was me. I did it like this.” Meme before the Heavy is Dead video came out.

      • sebinspaceOP
        011 months ago

        Your ship is cool and all, but I’ve trained Cruise Missiles V, so fuck your ship :D

    • @Thteven
      2011 months ago

      “Fuck EA” ~ Me

    • @lugal
      1011 months ago

      If I were asked to answer the following question: What is slavery? and I should answer in one word, It is murder!, my meaning would be understood at once. No extended argument would be required to show that the power to remove a man’s mind, will, and personality, is the power of life and death, and that it makes a man a slave. It is murder. Why, then, to this other question: What is property? may I not likewise answer, It is robbery!, without the certainty of being misunderstood; the second proposition being no other than a transformation of the first?

      Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, What Is Property?

  • credit crazy
    4411 months ago

    Also if buying isn’t owning than wtf did I buy. In any other time period this corporate shit would be considered a scam.

    • @[email protected]
      1511 months ago

      You didn’t buy anything, we rent now…

      Landlords everywhere, even on the internet… It’s disgusting. They get to own, we get to borrow…

      So to OP, it’s still stealing as they own everything, we just rent. Fucking scam for sure :(

      • @Umthisguy
        511 months ago

        At the risk of sounding like a landlord here, there are far wealthier people to be disgusted by.

        • @veni_vedi_veni
          811 months ago

          Gates quietly buying as much arable land as he can in the world.

        • @[email protected]
          211 months ago

          Yeah, I think it’s backwards to still focus our ire on “landlords” when it’s oligarch (yes, some of whom are also landlords) that are the real enemy.

          In modern society, many landlords are just middle-class folks who bought an apartment building as their retirement fund.

    • @[email protected]
      1111 months ago

      “YoU BoUgHt a lIcEnSe tO UsE ThE PrOdUcT”

      Funny how the word license never comes up until you read the fine print. Colloquially you’re buying the product. If we’re going by legal technicalities then legally I ain’t stealing shit.

    • sebinspaceOP
      711 months ago

      You bought the right to give them money! :D

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      You are renting the software forever, until it’s no longer supported (I’m looking at you Nintendo)

    • @gmtom
      311 months ago

      The same thing as when you buy a movie ticket.

    • @[email protected]
      011 months ago

      If you “buy” a massage you don’t then own a massage. Lol. Doesn’t matter what time period.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        Services like massages are paying directly for someone’s active labor, buying a book, a song, or an (offline) game is one a time transaction for an already completed work

        • @[email protected]
          -211 months ago

          What you’re paying for when there’s a license or other kind of agreement is more akin to a service. Like permission to use it, renting it. Paying for labor is just renting someone’s body and skills. The seller making the offer gets to determine the terms, and then you have just as much power to walk away.

  • The Barto
    4111 months ago

    It’s the theft of profit they don’t like, they don’t care if you watch it, just that you give them money for the opportunity to watch.

      • b3nsn0w
        911 months ago

        yup. anti-piracy is about control, not profits. this is trivial to deduce from the simple fact that no one ever measures a drm solution’s performance in total sales recovered, they only ever whine about hypothetical lost ones, which is the corporate equivalent of sideways for attention, long way for effect

    • @xenoclast
      2211 months ago

      I think you mean “extract value”

      • @OrteilGenou
        11 months ago

        I can’t wait to see the split in the next decade or so between AI films from the giants and boutique offerings that feature all-human casts.

        In sure the former will be dazzling crap/profit machines, and the latter to be a slow death as people begin to come of age without any particular desire to watch real people when they can see the craziest shit created using AI. I wonder how long before the CGI will be so good that it will become impossible to tell the difference? I wonder how long before you can tailor the characters in a movie like you can tailor your own game avatars? How long before piracy isn’t stealing IP but actually creating your own versions of movies that can riff of the original and even improve upon them, creating a subculture of film creators that are hunted and aggressively prosecuted by the major content creators?

        I’m a bit apprehensive about that world, but it’s exciting to be on the cusp of such a potential reorganizing of the film world we know.

        • @ComicalMayhem
          711 months ago

          Holy shit that’s both terrifying and intriguing.

        • @[email protected]
          411 months ago

          “Don’t like a dark skinned Ariel? Here at Disney+++ you can configure your movie to have the ethnicity and sexuality you want to see, for just $49.99 per month extra”

        • Queen HawlSera
          011 months ago

          I do Wonder, if we possible for me to one day tell an AI that I want a CGI pornographic movie about furry transformation and breast expansion. With a story even, because I know I’m sure as hell not getting that from Hollywood. And I don’t just mean a scene that make cater to that, I want the movie to be specifically about that

  • @[email protected]
    3011 months ago

    God damn right!


    stealing from billionaires is bad! How are they supposed to afford their giant mansions and gold Hummers if we pirate things?!

  • @ChonkyOwlbear
    3011 months ago

    Taking a copy of an infinitely replicable resource is perfectly ethical.

    • @[email protected]
      3311 months ago

      In a world where people’s lives are sustained by a model that diminishes their income when copying instead of buying, you can’t exactly call it “perfectly ethical”.

      You can make an argument that your copying isn’t preventing a sale and that probably works most of the time, but not all the time.

      I think “it’s complicated” is a more true statement of the conundrum.

      • @cmhe
        11 months ago

        The issue is that there exists some sort of digital Bourgeoisie, people that just make their money by owning digital data, while the digital proletariat, the artists and programmers, that creates the data aren’t well financially compensated or might not even be employed at the company anymore.

        Pirates should be mindful who they are hurting, and that depends on the piece of work they are pirating, the time when they are doing it and many other circumstances. That decides if is ethical or not.

        Creators should be well compensated for their time and effort, so that they continue to create and if that is the case piracy doesn’t matter.

        • @[email protected]
          1711 months ago

          Self published indie game that you really like? Pay for it, support the creator(s)

          Music written/recorded by long dead people whose rights are owned by some massive faceless corporation to line the pockets of CEOs and shareholders? Fuck them, pirate away

          Future generations will cringe at how much creative innovation has been stifled by our repressive copyright laws, extending it past 20 years flat was a major mistake

        • @BigBlackCockroach
          811 months ago

          We all stand on the shoulders of giants!

          when it was black music or achievements, where were those property rights then? chuck berry was robbed, so were many others. Where was the outrage then? seems to me property is only respected if it comes to the belongings of those in power, but if you are a native american your entire country is up for grabs… how come?

          The actual damage is done to the billions of people that are excluded from education, from science and from just books, by property and copy rights. The damage done to mankind done by patent law far exceeds any damage done to individuals holding patents.

          We artificially live in a world that is less educated than it could be. I would like to live in the world with the most possible education.

          Think about who is damaged by our lack of education? think about who benefits from our ignorance?

          Who’s interests outweigh the ability of all of mankind to educate themselves? Our taxes paid for the science, the articles should be gratis.

          • @BigBlackCockroach
            511 months ago

            The artificial scarcity around books, science and generally information and education is affecting the trajectory of mankind.

            If all had free access to all information meaning scientific papers, books, plays, literature, musical scores and recordings, then we may have already lived in a start trek style utopia.

            How much has mankind’s advancement already been hampered by the sorry state of affairs?

    • Kühe sind toll
      310 months ago

      Ummm, actually infinity is just a pure mathematical concept that does not exist in real life 🤓

      • @ChonkyOwlbear
        110 months ago

        Sure infinity exists. You see it every time you go outside at night and look up.

      • sebinspaceOP
        4011 months ago

        Because it’s webm and that shit can blow me.

      • @[email protected]
        1611 months ago

        In case you or anyone else is curious, it’s a reaction gif of Will Ferrell as Ron Burgundy from Anchorman saying, “I can’t argue with any of those points.”

      • LanternEverywhere
        811 months ago

        It’s just a reaction gif (in webm format, which is probably why it’s not showing for us)

      • @Bolt
        211 months ago

        Shows for me. It’s a 2-second gif. Have you tried on the web?

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          On the Firefox instance I’m running now, it doesn’t show inline in this page. But opening the context menu and “open video in new tab” works.

      • @uis
        111 months ago

        I see app user

    • AreaSIX
      111 months ago

      Meh, piracy wouldn’t equal stealing even if buying did mean owning. Piracy is duplicating without removing the original and doesn’t take away any existing thing from the current owner. I count potential sells as a hypothetical thing that doesn’t currently exist. Therefore, piracy is nothing even close to stealing.

  • @yamanii
    711 months ago

    Yep, you can shove your “licence” up there, I bought it it’s mine.

  • @uis
    611 months ago

    I’ve seen it ubder recent Rossmann’s video

    • sebinspaceOP
      611 months ago

      Rossman is goated as fuck.