• ryan213
    110 months ago

    I’ve heard about them. Are they any good? Probably just the early stuff like usual, right?

  • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
    10 months ago

    Obligatory fuck Metallica. Fuck them in their greedy asses. I know that they weren’t the only musicians involved in anti-piracy propaganda, but they were the most outspoken.

    I was a Metallica fan for most of my childhood. If you have to listen to Metallica that’s one of the good ones, but still, fuck Metallica.

    • @clubbOP
      10 months ago

      Why do you think piracy didn’t negatively affect them? I am a pirate as well, but they had all the right to retaliate. I wouldn’t consider it “obligatory”

      • @surewhynotlem
        -210 months ago

        Metallica wasn’t losing sales due to piracy. They were losing sales because they completely changed their sound and their metalhead base hated it. But instead of owning their change and its impact, they decide to blame pirates.

        No one who bought Master Of Puppets was pirating Load…

        • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
          210 months ago

          Fuck it man I’ll eat some downvotes with you. Load was awful. Which happens to most bands that are around a long time. I’m a life long tool fan. 10,000 days was meh and the next one suuuuuuuucked.

          The problem with Metallica is that people always say “well don’t they deserve to get paid for their work?” The answer is an obvious yes, and if that’s all that they had been fighting for then who cares. What people who didn’t live through that time or that weren’t paying attention don’t realize is how much damage was caused by the companies that used people like Metallica and Dr Dre to gain support.

          All those “you wouldn’t download a car” videos were part of the same propaganda as Metallica. Honestly, I’d like to think that the RIAA tricked Metallica into championing their cause, but I know better. But yeah, when you see “you wouldn’t download a car”. Just remember that’s team Metallica.

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        -210 months ago

        Also sorry it’s that most artists don’t make much off of cds and digital downloads. They make their money touring. They could have used piracy as promotion, but can’t now.

      • @MuhammadJesusGaySex
        -210 months ago

        I typed out a long convoluted explanation. Then deleted it all because it can be simple. Most artists on record labels don’t get paid very much for cds. Live performances was where it was at. Of course mega stars like Metallica probably got paid more for their cd sales than most.

        This is the third or fourth time I’ve typed out an answer to your question. It is really almost impossible to answer your question without getting really convoluted with the explanation. There were so many facets to the problem. Like at the time and really still today. The RIAA is/was against digital downloads of music period. So what Metallica did not only helped to fuck up piracy. It’s also te reason that ITunes is basically the only online music store, and the RIAA is still fucking with them.

        Meanwhile Metallica has become this.


        Anyway, this answer is the one I’m going with. There is a whole lot I didn’t cover, because I just woke up and don’t feel like googling and listing my sources. But that whole fiasco shaped our world more than people realize.