• @TootSweet
    11810 months ago

    Fuck Biden and fuck Putin.

    (Even though I did vote for Biden in 2020 and plan to again in 2024 if he’s the Democratic nominee.)

    • @surewhynotlem
      7710 months ago

      Exactly this. Fuck this lesser of two evils that I have to vote for because two party systems suck.

      But no one is loud about that because it’s obvious.

      That said, he’s done some pretty ok things in office. He’s just also done some pretty horrible things. Net net, I think it’s been mediocre.

        • @Daft_ish
          10 months ago

          It will be hard to make the people in power give us the tools to take away their power.

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Strikes, occupations and uhm very persuasive in person arguments are some of the things that have worked historically.

            Bringing a Constitution and Guillotine did work out in the end for the Danish worker’s movement of 1848, when the king conceded. A violent uprising was averted.

      • HubertManne
        1210 months ago

        whats your measuring stick? mine is other presidents and by that he is near the top for me.

      • @damnthefilibuster
        -2610 months ago

        If you think two party system suck, just don’t hope for a multiparty system. Those suck even more. You never know which idiot will end up building a coalition and coming to power.

        • HubertManne
          1110 months ago

          yeah I don’t see much issue in that given the idiots we get now. At least the others have to juggle their coalition and are subject to no confidence votes and the opposition has a shadow cabinet ready to go.

          • @BrandoGil
            510 months ago

            The two party system also juggles coalitions, but we know them most popularly as voting blocks in the general population or caucuses in the parties. This is one of the reasons Sinema and Manchin held so much power from '20-'22. Our caucuses and voting blocks don’t always give power to individuals, but mostly to agendas.

        • @surewhynotlem
          110 months ago

          Could you point to an example of a multi party democracy that produced something as bad as trump? I’m not aware of any, but I’m not well versed.

          • @Zoboomafoo
            10 months ago


            literally Hitler

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            210 months ago

            None of them - that weren’t from the largest party.

            Basically, they got the same as first past the post Trump, but had to bring along less shit parties along instead of being a political mono-culture like FPTP creates. So even at their worst, they’re still better.

    • @Inmate
      -210 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • @Beldarofremulak
        1110 months ago

        Everyone has to either eat poop or glass. It’s going to suck either way but one way is going to significantly suck more than the other. Guess what? There’s a vote tomorrow and if you don’t vote then you might have to eat the worst one. Do you just not vote and prove a point to your non-existent audience or vote for the lesser of two evils?

      • @Smoogs
        10 months ago

        Because bipartisan is about voting for the lesser evil to ruin your life. Being complacent just relinquishes to an assurance it will be the shittiest because the bigger voting population are looking for the easiest way to fuck you up. Voting is that easy way for them. They don’t even care that they will be fucked over by it too. They just can’t stand someone out there will have sex with someone they did not approve of and apparently this is more important to them than accessible healthcare or slowing climate change.

  • @generalpotato
    5110 months ago

    Obligatory: Fuck Biden, Fuck Putin, Fuck Netanyahu/IDF and anybody else complicit in killing innocent people and/or oppressing people.

    • @Inmate
      10 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • Baut [she/her] auf.
        1710 months ago

        “Stop murdering people”
        “Do you have any better ideas?”
        How about not murdering people?

        • @Inmate
          -1410 months ago

          Removed by mod

            • @Inmate
              -710 months ago

              The only point I want to be complete clear about is that if you are fascist and you enter my ambit, I attack.

              I will spend the rest of my life in prison but not before taking as many as I can. My life has never been more meaningful, more oriented towards protecting life

              So yes, I will drag my enemies into the streets, as I have before, as I will again

              FASCISTS come meet your match!

                • @Inmate
                  10 months ago

                  I’m currently incarcerated but I’ll be out next week. I’m in Los Angeles. I can meet you at 4th and Wall, I will be staying in the warehouse at the 450 block and my program roomies will watch from roof with choppers. The streets will eat you up if you try anything funny. Name the date IDF war criminal. You’re too chickenshit, Israel deserves the hate

          • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
            010 months ago

            The only street drag you do involves you wearing your mom’s panties and that floral summer dress that hangs so well on your hips.

  • @jeffw
    10 months ago

    TokenBoomer, are you feeling ok? You’re defending Biden, which is kinda weird

    Edit: downvoters must not know TokenBoomer lol

  • @Daft_ish
    3110 months ago

    Why the freaky anime biden?

  • @Maguz
    2610 months ago

    Fuck Putin fuck Trump

    • @Inmate
      010 months ago

      deleted by creator

  • @ramenshaman
    1610 months ago

    I think Biden is generally doing ok. He’s obviously not exciting or inspiring and he’s probably not handling the Israel/Palestine situation very well (though that whole situation is pretty fucked regardless and I’m not picking sides), but he’s getting a decent amount of stuff done. I wish we had a better democratic candidate and I wish there was a republican candidate who wasn’t a complete nut job. I also wish there were more than 2 viable parties and we had ranked choice voting, but here we are.

    • @[email protected]
      810 months ago

      If there was a better option than “guy who weakly calls for a ceasefire” I’d love to hear it. The only other viable side is all but verbally calling for a total genocide of Palestinians in Gaza if not beyond

  • @Inmate
    10 months ago

    Eat shit Russia we all see you. Go drown in a puddle 🖕

    A dog is better than Trump, better than Putin.

    If you can’t see that, then you are an enemy of life, and many including this one.

    I fight fascists every day.

    I’m TIRED of weakness having such a loud voice.

    I’m TIRED of our weakest showing their bellies and pussies to their would be killers and rapists on the Internet while real ass people fight in the street and in jails and in Ukraine.

    I am currently incarcerated and will be released and will fight again and again and again and again

    Fuck you weaklings, we will march over you too 😂

    More powerful than you can imagine, completely ready to die, in love with death to get things done.

    You deserve your misery, Russian.

  • @Linkerbaan
    910 months ago

    Russia genocide = bad Biden genocide = bad

    There you go.

    • @[email protected]
      210 months ago

      In general, yes. Authoritarianism is usually a sign of desire for a strong man, any strong man. They might not want to directly support Russia, but they like/respect Putin.

    • @agnomeunknown
      210 months ago

      I believe the implication is that these people are part of a psy-op from Russia. It was a common theme of online discourse during Trump’s presidency, with some decent factual evidence to back it up iirc. Many pro trump accounts on Twitter were suspected of being operatives, or even just bots, for example.

      It’s kinda stale as a reference, but there is still a significant chance that these kinds of accounts still exist and engage in spreading disinfo.

  • @Batpool23
    510 months ago

    I dislike the Russians just as much as Biden. Biden is just the one “in charge” of the country I’m in.

    • @Hiro8811
      010 months ago

      What do you have against Russians? I mean Putin got a few screws lose but otherwise they are alright

    • @TotallynotJessica
      10 months ago

      No. He’s not good, just not the worst to anyone with a reasonable viewpoint. I don’t like him, but he’s ironically less terrible than most politicians, even those that claim to be to his left. As VP, he was often more left wing than Hillary and Obama on international issues. He came out in support of gay marriage before Obama, and has been more left wing as president. He’s less wealthy than previous presidents, and despite Republican attempts to find evidence of any short of corruption, Biden’s sins mostly come from incompetence. He was my last choice in the primary, but less because he was evil and more because he wasn’t good.

    • @hansl
      810 months ago

      He’s fine. Everything that people whine about him is stuff all presidents have done and republicans have done worse through the last five decades if not more.

    • @Inmate
      010 months ago

      Unless you want Russian victory in Europe and mass violence and perpetual domestic terrorism in the US 👍

      Have enough guile to see past any impulse that didn’t come from, to you, any identifiable source. And if your impulses run categorically parallel to Russian propaganda, and make you behave like a Russian (rapists, sneak murders, child thieves by the 100,000s and counting; centuries of psychopathy) and you align yourself with the Kremlin, whether or not accidental, congratulations, you are a target of anyone with a soul who cares about the safety and prosperity of life on Earth and we will put you in the zone or the ground.

      Everyday footage of the cleansing in Ukraine fills me with a dream for the liberation of the United States from the MPE (Mass Psychosis Event) we’ve been laboring through. With each day I can see the future is ready, willing and eager to be shaped by those willing to accept it on its terms, NOT the terms of a Demagogue or Despot.

      Russia will not exist after 2100 because old school evil won’t survive the coming wave after wave of truth and consequences.

    • Dr. Coomer
      10 months ago

      My main concern isn’t even that he’s doing a good or bad job, it’s that he’s clearly a dementia patient and shouldn’t be in that position to being with. I had a grandfather who had alzheimers, which is a more severe kind of dementia that just gets worse, and having seen even a glimpse of it due to my parents keeping me out of view of the more severe “episodes”, I really think he shouldn’t be in office at all. Not to mention that dementia has a very high chance of turning into alzheimers, meaning that, if Bidens dementia does turn, he’s only gonna get worse and worse and worse until he can’t even make a sound.

      • @TheFonz
        110 months ago

        The office of the president is more than one person. It entails his cabinet and the rest of the appointment apparatus as well as any ramifications for SC nominations. You think the orange Twitter all caps guy with “look my uncle having known nuclear” is better? There are downstream effects that are real beyond this bizarre talking point about dementia that keeps getting parroted. At the minimum be consistent in your logic ffs.

      • Dr. Coomer
        -310 months ago

        I wanted to add this extra bit, it seems that Biden would be in the third stage of dementia, with symptoms being: Losing things and minor memory loss, getting lost while traveling, difficulty finding the right words, verbal repetition, and trouble with complex tasks and problem solving.

  • @dasgoat
    110 months ago

    Notice that people who say Biden is ok are quiet about the Gaza genocide

    • @PRUSSIA_x86
      610 months ago

      Biden is a massive step up from Trump and honestly exceeding my admittedly low expectations, but he really dropped the ball with Israel.

      • @madcaesar
        210 months ago

        Like I’ve said in other threads, I agree with you BUT people need to understand that Biden doesn’t have the political capital to stand up to Israel right now.

        We’re on the brink of sliding back into Trump and who knows how fucked up we’re going to get, so he can’t be fighting another fire.

        The US has always sucked Israel’s balls, so Biden is just not rocking the boat.

        I know it sucks, but our shitty political system and the fact that the half the population has brain damage means, he has to tread very very carefully.

        If he blows his little wad on Israel and Trump wins because of it, EVERYONE will be fucked around the world, including Palestine.

        I know we all wish Biden could be the shining liberal giga Chad we want, but US politics allows only so much at a time. Hell, I think he’s done more than I would have hoped for and still part of his base is shitting on him for not doing enough…