Wikipedia users are celebrating the first user to edit Henry Kissinger’s Wikipedia page after the widely-hated American statesman and war criminal was announced dead on Wednesday at the age of 100.

“I’m now forever the girl who changed ‘is’ to ‘was’ on Henry Kissinger’s Wikipedia article,” reads the bio of the Wikipedia user Asticky, who updated her bio after editing Kissinger’s page on 8:46 PM EST on Wednesday. Since then, dozens of users have responded with messages of support and congratulations to Asticky on being the first to edit the page. …

    • @crypticthree
      410 months ago

      I want Cheney and I want him now

  • @[email protected]
    1010 months ago

    I liked this bit at the end of the article too

    'On Thursday morning, the Twitter account “Depths of Wikipedia” followed up with another Kissinger-related update: the Wikipedia article for “Hangover” had seen a three-fold increase in traffic.’

    My boss called me up ‘did you hear?’ Yep, bastard is finally dead ‘drinks at mine at 6:30’. We both lived and worked in Cambodia years ago. Much single malt was had.