Republicans’ Project 2025 blueprint spells out how they’ll leverage virtually every arm, tool and agency of the federal government to attack abortion.

The Supreme Court announced last week that it would take up a case considering restrictions on the most widely-used method of abortion in the United States: the abortion pill. Under a worst-case scenario for American women, that case could have triggered a full reversal of the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of mifepristone, cutting off access to the medication across the country. That didn’t happen. The Supreme Court said it would only consider a more narrow set of questions about regulatory changes that have made the abortion pill more accessible in recent years. It could significantly limit access to mifepristone, but won’t end it altogether.

But it may not matter how the high court rules if Republicans win the presidency next November. That’s because GOP operatives have already crafted an expansive blueprint, 887 pages long, laying out in painstaking detail how they intend to govern, including plans to leverage virtually every arm, tool and agency of the federal government to attack abortion access. The document explicitly names their intention not just to rescind FDA approval for the abortion pill if they regain control of the White House in 2024, but to revive a 150-year-old law that criminalizes sending or receiving through the mail any “article, instrument, substance, drug, medicine or thing” that could be used to facilitate an abortion. That law, the Comstock Act, is viewed as a de facto federal abortion ban by reproductive rights advocates and anti-abortion activists alike.

  • @TropicalDingdong
    959 months ago

    This isn’t MAGA, this base Republicanism.

    Don’t pretend that Republicans without MAGA are redeemable.

    • @[email protected]
      259 months ago

      Yeah MAGA is actually convenient for the GOP. They can use the media characterization of MAGA to distract from the fact that MAGA is pushing for all the same things the GOP do. There’s really no functional distinction between GOP with MAGA and without it. MAGA only involves Trump worship and open adoption of fascist ideology and conspiracies.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        I’m sure they would like to distance themselves from his name just in case Trump crashes and burns in ‘24. Like so they can pretend they’re back to being the good guys.

  • Flying Squid
    389 months ago

    I can’t believe they’re using the fucking Comstock Act. That’s what they used to use to ban porn magazines. Fucking insane.

    • @Laughbone
      269 months ago

      Idk if you’ve read about Anthony Comstock before but was a freaking nutter butter, actually he’d probably feel at home in today’s GOP. Dude used to brag about how many women he got to commit suicide by ruining their lives.

      • Flying Squid
        99 months ago

        Not a lot, but enough to be aware of his nuttery. And yeah, the modern GOP would definitely bring him into the fold. Trump would make him his VP pick.

    • @[email protected]
      219 months ago

      Don’t think for a second they’re not coming (pun intended) for your porn.

      If the Republicans have their way, everyone would be governed by their conservative “morals”.

      Hell, the speaker of the house even has a weird porn checker app that he shares with his “accountability partner” - his son. Source

      • Flying Squid
        119 months ago

        Oh they probably are, but this is like stuff people were getting prosecuted for in the 1930s. That’s the law they’re digging up.

  • DigitalTraveler42
    9 months ago

    “C’mon ladies we should believe them when they say they’re just going to stop with Roe”

    ![](<div>from Imgflip Meme Generator</div>)

  • queermunist she/her
    229 months ago

    Consider how abortion has been a losing issue in almost every state and almost every election for Republicans.

    Republicans don’t seem to care about elections anymore.

    • @Feirdro
      169 months ago

      and soon they won’t have to ever again

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      I mean, I don’t expect the official results of this next election to matter in the least. It’s going to end up coming down to civil war and I don’t think there’s any other options.

  • @gedaliyahM
    219 months ago

    Just a reminder to women out there who use a period tracker app, law enforcement already has nearly unfettered access to your monthly cycle data and can use it to track you.

  • Melody Fwygon
    16 months ago

    The best way to prevent misuse of the Comstock Act is to hit them where it hurts. Find out what items their funders sell or trade in the most; then find logical ways to link it to sex or abortion.

    Pretty soon you’ll gum up all trade and they will cry for mercy.