Square Enix is “aggressively pursuing” a multiplatform strategy, including “Nintendo platforms, PlayStation, Xbox, and PCs”.

The company’s new medium-term business plan was shared today alongside its latest financial report, and follows news of both a review of its development system and the abandonment of £112m of in-development projects.

The multiplatform strategy is part of a move to “diversify earnings opportunities” and aims to allow more customers to “enjoy our titles in regards to major franchises and AAA titles including catalogue titles”.

  • TheLowestStone
    25 months ago

    In addition to everything you said, Square Enix has just been laughably behind the trends for a while. Turn based RPGs have been seeing a resurgence in popularity in recent years while they’ve been busy turning one of the most popular turn based RPGs of all time into an action RPG (with significantly too many cut scenes IMO).

    They really have gotten as bad or worse than Nintendo with reselling old games. Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite game of all time. I’ve spent around $120 buying on different platforms in my lifetime. There’s no fucking way I’m spending another $20 on a pixel remaster that has a handful of upgraded animations and an expanded opera scene. Right now on my phone I can buy 2 versions of FF3 and 2 versions of FF4 all of which are $15+. FF7 almost feels like an experiment to see how far they can push before people stop buying.