• @j4k3
    29 months ago

    I can respect that and appreciate it but fighting Occam’s Razor for the minute chance of edge cases, without telling everyone the obvious, that we’re ignoring the 99.9% to chase the 0.1% because we never built the right tool for the job is wrong. I love that we are willing to chase the absurd and obscure possibilities. I just believe it is important to say, we have made absolutely no attempt to try for the real objective of finding life. We’ve done one extra credit project for a university course without taking the course and we like to claim we deserve a degree for our work, maybe even a Nobel prize. It’s a great effort on a little project, and no one should take away from that, but it is not even completion of the course. Perspective is important. Type-G stars are known to host life. A survey of all Type-G stars within a few hundred parsecs is absolutely critical before any relevant statement of life and habitability can be made. We could have that information already if we really cared to try. It would be the greatest scientific project of the millennium and likely answer one of humanity’s biggest questions, but we’ve chosen to pass up that opportunity. I personally find that sad. None of us get everything we wish for, but it must be okay to call out the missed opportunities when they are being obfuscated and people make claims like they have achieved that which they have not. It’s still great work on the 0.1%.