The UI for discarding a comment always confuses me.

If I want to discard a comment I’m writing, I have to hit “cancel,” then I’m given two options, cancel or discard. I think I must follow the previous naming convention, so I hit cancel, but instead, I have to hit discard to discard the comment.

I think it would be better to have “Discard” as the element in the screen when you write a comment. Then, when you confirm the decision, it is the same nomenclature, discard or cancel.

If you want, I can add a screenshot.

  • @machininOP
    36 months ago

    I think that would have the same problem of cancel for the first button and a different name for the desired function on the next screen.

    Cancel (delete) -> Cancel (cancel deleting) / Confirm (confirm deleting)

    My suggestion is

    Discard (delete) -> discard (delete) / Cancel (cancel deleting)