• @cm0002
    29 months ago

    3, normally I’d agree, but this isn’t too far fetched for a 3 yo to grasp. Far more likely than those obvious exaggerations for sure.

    It just seems out there because the parent already did all the hard work of figuring out what the hell they were trying to say and translated it from toddler speak for us

    It probably went something like this:

    What cake do you want?

    Sad Lion King!!!

    Why sad?

    <15 minutes later>

    Ok, so you want the sad scene in Lion King where mufasa dies, why?

    I want ALL my cake!!!


    <Another 15 minutes later>

    Oh, you want the Lion King part where the lions dad dies so everyone at your party will be too sad to eat any of it right?


    <Another 15 minutes explaining your sentence and getting confirmation>