1 Cup Self rising flour (15 cents) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Z7C6FVK?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details

1 Banana (15 cents)

Mush a ripe or slightly over ripe banana into 1 cup self rising flour. Add water and mix until batter texture.

Cook like pancakes

3/10 plain.

Not super inspiring eaten plain, edible, but far more mild than I expected, and texture is, expectedly, not perfect.

Just fine as a vessel to carry jelly/butter/syrup to you though. Maybe a teaspoon of sugar would have helped.

  • @ericbombOPM
    18 months ago

    Yeah I think a dash of salt probably is free!

    also thinking muffins might be better for texture to give the self rising flour time to rise properly.

    So might try again just as muffins.