• Lord Wiggle
    19 months ago

    You think, so it must be. Who cares about facts and statistics. You know best, oh very wise one. By the way, what makes you come to this conclusion? Do you go to protests a lot, are you with the police, do you read a lot on Facebook on shady right wing pages, did Qanon tell you this,… I’d love to hear your support to your claim.

    By the way, intervening a peaceful protest which includes children has a very very low probability of risk for police. They would think twice when the protesters are violent, but when they are peaceful they won’t hit back that hard so it’s rather safe to escalate. The cops in the task forces for breaking up protests are generally people who love to fight, filled with adrenaline and testosterone. Cops who are less eager to fight usually have desk jobs or are regular street officers.

    I don’t know in what country you live, but in countries with freedom of speech you’re free to demand whatever you like, as long as you do not turn violent (except when you’re police of course).

    Please stop spreading unsupported bullshit arguments based on “I think” and “looks like” when you clearly have zero knowledge of how police operate (which I do) and clearly have no clue about this protest (as you make very wrong assumptions)