The games and their results

Hades 2 - Result: No data loss.

Still Wakes The Deep - Result: Absolutely fuckaw.

Dread Delusion - Result: Getting very bored of entering my Windows password.

Cyberpunk 2077 - Result: Regret starting this pointless experiment.

Alien: Isolation - Result: Just glad this is over, to be honest.

  • @SchmidtGenetics
    8 months ago

    So… you can’t tell a minor obvious non important exaggeration…. and you don’t want to answer a simple question? But you want to hurl insults… and want to do THIS when someone claps back at your stupid attempt… at whatever this was…?

    Lmfao yeesh dude.

    So are you going to answer the question? Or just avoid it since you can’t actually think of any that fit the requirement…?