I’m thinking of possibly looking at going to college for many PhDs. Mainly in the following. Business (Business Management, Advertising, Marketing and Accounting), Psychology, communications, forensic science and psychology, developmental biology, healthcare, biology, and more.

  • @DaddysLittleSlutOP
    7 months ago

    My hope is to maybe start a more affordable psychiatry office possibly or start a dispensary that is cheap and affordable while being reliable. This doesn’t mean like too cheap but we will have a bunch of specials programs ppl could join for medical and more. Like if you’re low income I’ll setup you up on a medium plan with base D9 that’s discounted like maybe 120$ for 90 edibles with 500 mg each. Then now if someone pays like 160-220 they get specialized bread plants or edibles from plants partially. Then at 300 and above is straight up genetic modified THC-P plant turned into an edible fully.

    Or maybe both!!!