… and why is this community against them?

  • Echo Dot
    6 months ago

    But you see it’s perfectly acceptable to drive into a lamppost and have a blood alcohol level of 0.7. The police have just been unreasonable.

    • thermal_shock
      6 months ago

      sometimes it is very clear they fucked up, many times not. existing while black is a serious issue that cops use against citizens all the time.

      I recently got pulled over for flipping off a cop for blaring his horn at me when I changed lanes, with plenty of time and space and blinker. he drove past and then stopped when I flipped him off on the highway and backed up to get off the exit to follow me. there were no lights, just a crazy man yelling at me through his passenger side window, driving a Kia minivan. I told him to fuck off and kept going. he follow me into a parking lot and THEN put on lights.

      I got out expecting to defend myself from a road rager. he made up some shit about me not obeying his right of way and made up a ticket, when in reality his ego was bruised for getting flipped off. I got it all on dashcam and phone. but there will be no punishment for him being an ass hole to citizens, he probably won’t even come to court which is next month.

      • Echo Dot
        26 months ago

        I was more thinking just internationally. Not everyone is American.

        Generally speaking in most parts of the world they’re doing an okay job and the person has just been an unreasonable dick.

        • thermal_shock
          6 months ago

          I agree with that, most cops outside of USA you can have a conversation with like a normal human. in USA, they are ALWAYS right, even when they’re wrong, their goal is to ticket/arrest you, not listen or see what is actually going on. they’re more of a nuisance than an asset.