A hobbiest reached out to me with a trove of collected material, which included a folder filled with Rogue Trader era space marines. The contents are just too good not to post. I have tried to trac…
It’s a great time. While GW’s 40k stuff obviously is the most mainstream, there’s a good diversity of systems with traction and a lot of sources for miniatures. If you’re willing to go third party for 40k minis they can be quite cheap, and there’s more than a few Not-40k rulesets out there for free or cheap.
It’s a great time. While GW’s 40k stuff obviously is the most mainstream, there’s a good diversity of systems with traction and a lot of sources for miniatures. If you’re willing to go third party for 40k minis they can be quite cheap, and there’s more than a few Not-40k rulesets out there for free or cheap.