I love Bluetooth bone conduction earphones and I’m ready to buy something pricier, sturdier, waterproof, and hopefully sound far superior to everything I’ve tried.

I’ve had a few budget sets, and I love the convenience, portability, and weight of all of them, but the audio is obviously dog s***.

Are there any bone conduction headphones that are not dog s*** audially that any of you can personally attest to?


  • @mipadaitu
    37 months ago

    My wife and I each have a pair of Shokz OpenMove. If we’re both in the same quiet room, I can hear anywhere from nothing, to extremely quiet whispering, to nearly the whole thing, depending on how loud she has them. That being said, I can often hear air pods or other in ear headphones when I’m standing next to people in public, sometimes people don’t understand how loud they have things turned up.

    Sometimes in a noisy environment (airplanes, busses) you need to crank them up almost all the way to hear things, but if you put in earplugs, it makes the sound louder and more clear, while also blocking out other noises. While this partially defeats the purpose of bone conducting, it also means you can have actual, real hearing protection on, and just use the same usual headphones.

    There are negatives to bone conducting, but I find they are the best option for me 95% of the time.