What could apartments look like if we eliminated some of the rules they are subject to? Urbanarium held a design competition to find out.
Thanks to Urbanarium for partnering with me on this video! Check out all the entries from the competition at http://decodingdensity.com/
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The two staircase rule for houses above two (or three) stories is pretty shit, if that is so and results in these rather terrible middle floor houses with appartments only facing one direction. The rest seems to come down to zoning regulation (single family houses, front lawn requirement…) and the rule of “building a house costs money that somebody has to pay”.
The two staircase rule for houses above two (or three) stories is pretty shit, if that is so and results in these rather terrible middle floor houses with appartments only facing one direction. The rest seems to come down to zoning regulation (single family houses, front lawn requirement…) and the rule of “building a house costs money that somebody has to pay”.