But why on earth? Rejoice, rather.

  • @[email protected]
    187 months ago

    Unfortunately, what’s probably going to happen is more taxes for people without children. It has already been considered by some parties here in czech, and it infuriates me. I’m also mostly sure that’s what will happen, turning people without children to second class citizens they can leech more money from, with an excuse that they are not building our society enough. And you will get some lower-income, anti-work people spamming children even more, to abuse the benefits and support you get for them even more.

    • @[email protected]
      87 months ago

      I read that trumps vice president candidate suggested that before too.

      Does the tax go away after a certain age?

      Like when peoples kids grow up do you start paying the tax again? What if you’re too old to have kids? Do you still need to pay the tax?

      It’s a dumb idea, but it’s probably going to happen.

      • @teamevil
        87 months ago

        Trump’s VP supports it as a work around to punish those in “alternative” lifestyles that traditionally don’t have children to remove their voice in society.

        Also those of us without kids already pay more in taxes