Personally I’m a fan of cryptocurrencies, especially Monero for its private transactions. However a few years ago I came over a paper written by some folks over at the NSA. The paper describes how a crypto or digital currency might work.

You can read more about it in this article:

With the rise of CBDCs the question becomes, was cryptocurrencies a psyop all along? Planned for us slowly accepting the digital dollar and such? Satoshi who allegedly created Bitcoin then suddenly vanishes might just be a group of intelligence folks not just one guy.

Who knows. On one hand I think it might be good for decentralization, on the other hand it might centralize everything. What are your thoughts?

  • @Concept1037OP
    21 year ago

    I agree, good points. Banking has been digital for quite some while, and while I agree that the spirit of cryptocurrency started as a decentralized money system I am unsure that it remains that today. Other than currencies like Monero.