• @HoustonHenry
    37 months ago

    Hey brother 😁 it’s business as usual…the dicks in charge are appeasing their base!

    I’m just gonna wait for an increase in accidents and pollution now that we don’t have to get our vehicles inspected, then refuse to give workers mandated water breaks, down with red-tape!

    Back in 92-ish, I had the misfortune of attending a “Christian” school in DeSoto (suburb of Dallas, as well as a “home-school” program before that, around 90 to 91)…brainwashed bro, the teacher was encouraging everyone to speak in tongues before class got started! The teacher suggested i join in, told me “they dont know what theyre saying either, they’re just having fun”, and they were laughing with each other speaking gibberish. Once i made it clear that I wasnt going to join in the “fun”, they all looked at me like I was an alien .

    The teacher/owner of the home-school program also had a daughter in 3rd grade that she was teaching (on top of about 10 or 12 other kids including myself). One day the kid comes in, so excited that she was getting baptized, pumped up by her parents… all she knew is that it made her parents happy, giving me an early lesson on how religion is just like a cult, but scaled up.

    Texas is pretty fucked up 🤣 it’s fixable, but no one is willing, got the dems cowed