Even though the water level on Lake Powell rose half a foot this year, the Bureau of Reclamation announced that Lake Mead is projected to be in a “shortage condition” in 2025 — meaning Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico will see cuts in how much water they can use from the Colorado River.
  • @TommySoda
    5 months ago

    This is a picture I took after walking half a mile down from the old landing dock. Where I am standing used to be underwater 50 years ago. By looking at the silt on the bottom-right you can see where the shoreline was like 10 - 20 years ago. And if you look at the cliff side you can see what we’ve been calling “bathtub” lines of where the water used to be (the photo from the article shows the bathtub lines even more clearly). Not to mention the Colorado River flowing through right in front of me.

    Now imagine everything you see in this photo and think about where it used to be and how much water isn’t there anymore. And just so you know, this was the level of the river during spring run off season. And I still had to walk half a mile from the old landing dock just to see it.

    And this was at Glen Canyon, about an hour from Lake Powell. You know, the place mentioned in the article. Half a foot is a drop in the bucket when you see it up close. So the answer is yes, it will be uninhabitable. At least at the standard of living most people consider normal.