im 20 for reference. ever since i was a kid, up until hs, we were forced every morning to stand, look at the flag and hold our hearts and say:

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”

i didnt stand a single time because i disagreed with being forced, and i was berated by the teacher in front of everyone, and he threatened to kick me out of class if i ever did it again. i was about 11-12 then, it was 2015.

  • @HomesliceAbe
    11 year ago
    1. “I promise I will be loyal and true to the flag of the USA. The flag is the symbol of the USA, and I promise I will be loyal and true to the USA as well. The USA is one being, which cannot be broken apart. The USA is watched over and protected by God (assuming they mean the Christian god, but it could be any). The USA holds true the notion that freedom and justice should be given to everyone.”

    2. Just don’t say it. I completely skip over the “under God” part. Or if you don’t agree with any of it, you don’t have to say it.

    3. There are no legal ramifications for abstaining from pledging, but you may suffer some peer pressure. Freedom of speech (or not speech) does not mean freedom from consequences, just freedom from legal punishment enacted by the federal government.

    4. Same as above. Generally what I do (I work in a high school that says it every morning) is sit quietly, and I encourage students to do it as well if they choose not to participate. You may not believe in it yourself, but I think it’s good to be respectful to those who do choose to participate.