One of the things platforms use to keep us coming back and investing more of our time in building their site for them, is Internet Points. They don’t do anything, but we still crave them.
On Reddit, these Internet Points are, of course, called “karma”
In moving on from Reddit, I’m burning over 80k karma.
It feels fine. I mean, it has no real value, and bots can scrounge up that amount of karma in an afternoon, but it still represents a sizable time investment.
How much are you burning, and how do you feel about it?
99,8k Karma. I would’ve loved the 100k but in the end I don’t really care The thing I will miss the most though is the shitposting from r/anarchychess
There’s one instance of anarchychess that I’ve found on here, and it’s already given me some laughs.
I know. It actually was the first thing i searched for when I came here. (By the way, I’m not obsessed with googling en passant)