• Don_DickleOPM
    16 months ago

    LOL not laughing at you but you remind me of one of my brothers who currently sits on the city council in our home town. And he uses there own speech/weapons against them since they are all pro douchebag except my brother. When they wanted to ban books he showed up reading one while they talked and when they came to him to place his vote he said oh I am sorry I was reading a banned book and then read it allowed until his time passed and since it required all of them to vote he abstained by just reading outloud from a book that would get banned. He read the whole thing whitch took an hour until the rest got pissed off and gave up. We don’t know where he gets it from or how the hell he was elected but he is a huge smartass. So in our county no books got banned because of him. He still pisses them off by putting is feet up on the table so much they had to do a ruling about it. I think at some point in his life he read a handbook of polotics or something and uses the grey area pretty much to his own free will. Thats enough for now…I appreciate you writing all that out and it was very inciteful…no sarcasm.