a quick countdown of the 10 best new features in GNOME 47!

  • New Dialogs
  • Better Touch
  • Disk Mounter
  • Custom Bookmarks
  • Custom Shortcuts
  • Custom Variables
  • Default to Vulkan
  • DRM Lease
  • Accent Colors
  • File Picker
  • Wayland ACTUALLY works!
  • @TheGrandNagus
    25 days ago

    I don’t really agree with that TBH. It improves every version, and there’s a huge amount of background stuff going on right now for HDR, /home encryption, and creating an entire accessibility framework that will ultimately be picked up by other desktops.

    Just because they’re not throwing everything out and reinventing the wheel doesn’t mean it’s stagnated.

    I don’t really see how DEs are copying Apple, and I’m not really sure what new concepts you’re wanting.