Hey guys!

Since I love hanging out in nieche communities of the games I play, I thought I’d get some thread and a bit of friendly discussion going. :)

I just started playing this cycle as a Forge Guard (since I heard they were buffed) and am trying to play something either bleed or ignite related, I haven’t decided yet.

But it seems that there were a lot of changes for different subclasses and I wanted to get some inspiration for my next alts!

What are your favorite builds this cycle? Or some off-meta/meme-builds relying on goofy mechanics? Your fastest build for leveling a primalist (since I really dislike early game primalist)?

  • @lal309
    27 months ago

    Well as a brand new player of ARPG and LE and doing my own blind thing…. for me to be at level 60 and not truly encountering real issues with my build I would absolutely agree with that statement!

    I also think that’s what makes this game so approachable. It lets you do your thing and enjoy the game. If you want a challenge and truly test your build then stick around and do the endgame stuff. While you do your own thing with your blind build, you gain tons of experience and understanding as to what it takes to refine your build (even without looking at guides or YouTube videos which is what I’m doing for my first play through).