Approximate locations of Perseverance rover and its sidekick Ingenuity helicopter during Sol 1250 (August 26, 2024). The view is looking due west, and shows the rover climbing up towards the crater rim after completing science activities in Neretva Vallis. The location of the helicopter is shown in final resting place after flight 72.

Image credits: HRSC: ESA/DLR/FU-BERLIN, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO CTX: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS HiRISE: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona

  • @paulhammond5155OP
    320 days ago

    The point-to-point distance between the helicopter and the rover at the locations shown on this image is 1419.7 meters (4657.7 feet)

    The crater rim rises to a max of 590 meters from the floor of Neretva Vallis that carves through the rim. But the rover has options to cross the rim at a little less than that depending on conditions encountered on the traverse. It’s a steep climb with sections around 23% slope angel.